Chapter 12 - Jealousy

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Katniss' POV:

I walk slowly, admiring the flowers I see before me. Primroses. I close my eyes and breathe in their scent. It's beautiful.

I carry on walking through these gardens, now admiring a rose bush. 

I turn the corner. I gasp.

A familiar body lies motionless before my eyes.


There's a stab wound in his stomach. More than one. At least 5.

"Move away before the same thing happens to you." An unrecognisable female says slyly, coming out from the shadows and holding a bloody blade between her fingers. I don't budge. I just try to stay strong, fighting the tears that gather up inside me.

Before I can see her face she comes out with: "Won't move? Okay. We'll see where that gets you." She throws a knife and it flies an inch away from my head. (a/n this isn't clove. because otherwise she would've recognised the voice, wouldn't she *smirky face*)

This brings me back to my senses and I wake up. My pillow is drenched, probably from tears. My cheeks and pyjamas are too. I look at the time. It read 8.23am. I shrug and walk down the stairs.

The girls greet me and they announce that we're going to a theme park today. 'Alton Towers' they said it was called. (another a/n. alton towers is in england bc that's where i'm from and i've been there so i don't have to do any research. it's one of the best in the country as well sooooooo. okay imma get on with the rest of the story.) I sigh and get ready, pulling on a stripy navy and white crop top, with high waisted white jeans. My hair goes into a fishtail down my back and my make up is beauty base zero.

I walk down the stairs to see the guys here now, and Peeta seems to be staring at me. I blush and go over to hug him. He doesn't hesitate to hug me bcack.

"Los gehts!" Finnick yells. Everyone gives him weird looks. "Jesus guys, I thought you took German for GSCEs. It means let's go." I roll my eyes. (yet again another one. gcses are the tests you take in england and they're the only school things i know so again plz don't hate.)

We hop into our cars, me and Peeta in my green Nissan Figaro (ahh favourite car and js saying it's vintage because that's my style.) Annie, Clove and Cato get in Finnick's blue Mercedes and Gale, Marvel and Johanna hop into Glimmer's white Jeep.

~time flash because i'm lazyyyyy~

We get there and all of the couple's decide their separate ways. That leaves me and Peeta. Yay. (there is actaully no saracsm there js) He smiles at this thought too.

I have to tell him. That I'm in love with him. Wait no. I'll just tell him that I fancy him. Yeah. Okay, I'll tell him today.

We walk around and go on Oblibion and Nemsis twice. I love rollercoasters. They don't freak me out or anything and I don't scream at all. I drag him by his hand over to Rita, and then to the Dark Forest, to ride on Thirteen. We were laughing and walked over to Air. We queued up and I thought now would be the best time, I won't find a better place really in this park.

"Hey Peeta, I need to tell you something." I say, taking in a deep breatg.

"Sure, what is it Katniss?" He says smling. The way he says my name is so sexy. STOP KATNISS. Just focus. You can do this.

"Well I er, just wanted to say that I-"

"Peeta?!" A girl calls out.

"Delly?" He calls back. A blonde girl comes bounding over to us in the line. She's very pretty and looks like Peeta would go out with her. Dammit.

Peeta looks slightly awkward. "Katniss, this is my ex-girlfriend, Delly."

Before I can say anything she interrupts me.

"You're just friends right?" She asks looking beteen us. We both nod.

She carries on, just talking to Peeta now. "Peeta, look I'm sorry that I broke up with you. Leaving you for James was a mistake. Please take me back. Just give me one more chance." She gives him puppy dog eyes and flutter her fake eylashes.

Peeta looks to me and says smiling, "Yeah, sure."

My heart just shattered into a million pieces.

I start to feel dizzy and hyperventilating. My legs feel weak and I'm shaking. Crap. I'm having a panic attack. This happened when my dad died. I guess it's when I lose my loved ones. I excuse myself to go to the toilet and scamper off and find Annie. She always helps me.

Her and Finnick are by the food bar, getting a large refillable slushie.

I run up to her and hug her, squeezing her a hard as I can. I sob into her shoulder and she pats my back gently.

"Katniss, sweetie, what happened?" She looks into my eyes with sadness. I explain everything to her.

Peeta's POV:

Delly just asked me out. I have a MAYJOR crush on Katniss but she won't ever like me back like that. I glance at Katniss before I give Delly my answer. I try to seem happy about it. I guess I could give her a chance. "Yeah, sure."

Katniss looks shaky and excuses herself to go to the toilet. I want to go and see if she's okay but I don't want Delly to think there's anything going on between us. I sigh ad focus on going on the rollercoaster.

Awh bless. Does Peeta even like Delly? You'll see.

Okay I have 550 reads now and it's super exciting.

Vote and comment and stuff. 

Love ya, bye.

~Ingrid x

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