Chapter 5 - Moving in

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Katniss' POV:

I have been hanging out with the group a lot recently. They're so nice, and cool, and funny and just amazing. I'm lucky to have them as my friends.

And I felt even luckier when Clove asked me something today.

"Hey, Kat," She says slyly.

"Hey, what's going on, Clove?" I ask back, sqinting my eyes at her and making ber laugh.

"Well, you know my dad is, a bit loaded?"

"Indeed I do" I ask, a bit confused.

"Well he bought me a house for the group to live in, on our own property. Well in fact two houses; one for boys and one for girls. We have lived there for a few years now, and we all agree it's been the best fun of our lives. It's safe and you would still see your mum and Prim and Plutarch if you were to come and live with us, and that's exactly what we all want. And tell your mum that it doesn't affect you grades in anyway." She says winking.

"OH MY GOD THAT'S AMAZING! I'll check with my mum but I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it as long as it's safe,"

She hugs me and we jump around, then head to our last class.

~at home~

"Hey, mum. Can I ask you something?" I say, thinking of how I'll break this to her.

She smiles and I go ahead.

"Clove's dad is, well- I'll just get straight to it. Clove has asked me if I want to live in the group's house with them if I want. So please can I?"

"Is it safe? What will happen to your levels? Will there be boys?"

"Yes it's safe. My grade's won't be affected and there are boys but they live in a different house on the property." I state, holding my breath.

She hugs me and says happily, "I'll help you pack your stuff."


I get a text from Clove.

Clove: wot did she say?xx

Me:SHE SAID YES!!!! be there in 1 hour xxxx

A rush of relief fills me and I pack my stuff quickly, rushing to be there as soon as possible.

WOOO she's moving in!

Wha will happen to her and Peeta though...?

Comment and vote and stuff please!

~Ingrid x


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