Chapter 6 - Whoops

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Peeta's POV:

Katniss has just moved in so the girls thought it would be a good idea for us all to go shopping, to celebrate. Us guys just wanted to tag along. We couln't think of anything else to do. And all of the guys' girlfriends whined until they came anway.

We come across the food court, the girls placing their large collections of bags down while the guys just sit down empty handed. Cato sits opposite Clove, Marvel oppsosite Glimmer, Finnick opposite Annie and Gale opposite Johanna. Which means I'm stuck with Everdeen.

We all order burgers and start to gossip.

"Sooooooooooooo, what did everyone get?" Finnick asks, unsure where to start.

The girls all smirk at each other and shout "MATCHING ONESIES!" Oh god.

"Wait, for... all of us?!" I say knowing my answer.

"Hell yeah." Johanna pipes in.

What the hell. We all have to wear the same onesies as each other. Wtf.

Cato grins and says, "What do they look like?"

Clove pulls hers out of the bag and shows us the white fluffy thing with a line or fur going down the back and a gold horn on the hood. I have to say it looks ridiculous, but so comfy and warm.

I let out a chuckle and say, "Where's mine then?"

Katniss passes mine over and see that it's a sunset orange colour.

"Oh thanks, that's my favourite colour," I say cheerfully.

"Oh is it really? That's good because the only two left were ones i that colour." She replies.

"Who has the other one in orange?" I ask a bit confused.

She looks down awkwardly into her lap, "Me," she says sheepishly. "There were only two of each colour and the 'couples' throught it would be cute to have matching ones. I would've gone for green personally but that's all that there was left."

"Oh," Is all I can manage out, a small, sad smile creeping upon my face.

Wait why am I sad? What the hell?

No-one else speaks to me or Katniss and after we finished our burgers we went back to the houses.

~back at the house~

All of us change into our onesies and head over the patio to the girl's house. Marvel knocks and Glimmer opens the door, throwing her arms around his neck playfully and telling us to come in.

I see all of them, except Katniss.

"Ur, where's Katniss?" I ask directed at everyone.

"Taking a piss." Johanna replies.

I decide to try and become closer to her, so I think it a good idea to pull a practical joke on her.

I head up to the bathroom door, waiting outside as quietly as possible. When I hear the door unlock and Katniss takes a step out, I scream in her face and jump next to her.

But she is taken aback by this and she falls backwards and hits her head on the door gaping open.

"PEETA! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" She shouts in my face very angrily.

"I--I-I thought it-t w-would be funn-y" I stutter, physically scared by how angry she is.

Instead of screaming back she slams the door of her room and I head back down the stairs. She comes down wearing different clothes, before she was wearing her onesie. She is definitely pissed off at me.

"Kat, where's your unicorn?" Annie asks kindly.

"Didn't want to be wearing such an ugly colour." Wow she's WELL good at comebacks *note the sarcasm*.

She gives me a death glare and heads off into the kitchen. We end up not speaking and all of us watch a movie and go back to ours at 10.30.

"What happened upstairs with Katniss? I could've sworn I heard screming." Gale speaks up.

"I errrr, thought it would be funny to scare her."

"Ah, good one. She was pissed! Good luck with pulling her now though." Cato says and winks.

All of the guys laugh. 

"Pull?" I say, "What do you mean pull?"

Finnick explains, "We can all see that there's definitely something you see in her. We can see that you have something between you, by the way you look at her."

Am I making it this obvious?


"I don't like her like that, and after what happened today I doubt she'll even want to be friends." I barely know her. It's not too much of a loss.

"Kay whatever." Marvel says opening the door. "That's just what we see."

I go to bed without another word.

Wow checked my read and now I have 41! Thank you guys so much, I didn't think it would happen this quick!

Comment and vote and stuff and see you later,


~Ingrid x

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