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POV: Lacey

Life sucks. Why, might you ask? I know, you probably didn't ask, but fuck it, I'll still tell you. Ben is gone. I haven't seen him since him and the others left to get settled back in their own house.

I mean, I'd run into Danny, Sam, Cameron, and even James. Just not Ben. It crushes me to go so long without seeing him. Not one single time.

Why had he just disappeared? I was too scared to call and ask one of the guys.


"Why won't you kiss me, babe?" He whined, making me growl in annoyance and peck his cheek. Never have I experienced anything as annoying as a lovey-dovey Peter.

"Aww, come on babe. A real kiss, please." He pleaded, his voice becoming more and more annoying with each word. I was so close to screaming 'You're annoying as hell and I hate you, go die in a fire!' straight in his face, but I suppose that'd be a bit rude.

"I'm not in the mood Peter!" And I never will be. If only he knew how much I absolutely hate him. Peter may be attractive, but believe me, it's not worth it. He's like a teenage boy. Extremely immature, annoying, and hormonal.

"Please? Don't you love me?!" He exclaimed, causing my head to start throbbing. The idiot was giving me a headache! It's a wonder he doesn't give himself one! If that's even possible...

"No Peter. I don't love you! It's been two fucking months. I don't fall in love with people in two months! Sorry to disappoint you!" I blew up, letting all my pent up emotions flood out. "I never have, and I never will! I'm sorry Peter, I just won't ever feel that way about you. I don't think this will work out... Ever!"

The look on his face, the tears in his eyes, and the trembling of his hands and lips was enough to tell me everything. He loved me more than anything. He'd told me, of course, but I never really thought about what he was saying. Why couldn't things just be normal again? Like they were before... Ben.

I wouldn't change anything to do with Ben, though. Meeting Ben is one thing I am completely certain I won't ever feel regretful of.

"W-why don't you love me, Lacey? Is there something wrong with me? I'll try to fix it! Anything for you! You d-deserve the best!" He cried, tears now freely flowing down his face. His face was inches from mine, and it was then that I finally noticed the horrible circles under his eyes. They were a horrible purple surrounded with a faint pink. Had he not been sleeping?

"Peter... I-I do love you... Just not like that. Being in a relationship with you in the first place was a huge mistake, and I'm sorry for leading you on... I really am sorry. I hope we can just go back to being friends." I mumble, trying my hardest not to look at the sobbing mess of a man in front of me.


What the fuck?

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said 'okay'." He sniffles, stepping away from me.

"Uh. Alright..." With that he quickly flees from the room, an unreadable look plastered on his face.

- Peter's POV -

Why can't she love me? I love her more than anything. I stared down at the cold, black object stuck into the side of my jeans, which was barely shielded by my jacket.

I smirked coldly to myself. Of course I knew why she didn't love me. She loved Ben far too much to love another the same way. He'll only end up hurting her. Confusing her.

But if she can't love me, then I don't deserve to live, because she's the one thing I'll never be able to have.

Slowly, I stood from my spot on the sidewalk, by the park Lacey and I used to go to when we felt like acting like big kids.

A few curious people walking by glanced at me, while others didn't even acknowledge me. I smiled at the people who now had their attenion solely on me. Oh, how they will wish they weren't staring at me in the way that they are.

I reached to the side of my jeans, my eyes skipping from each pair of staring eyes, watching as they all widened.

I put the barrel to the area between my right temple and ear.

"Oh my God!" one lady screamed out.

"No! Stop!" a nearby police officer yells out, running towards me.

"Goodbye, Lacey." I whisper to myself, smiling sadly, and pull the trigger.

Lacey ~

About 7:25 P.M.

Sighing, I flop down onto the couch and switch on the TV and turn the channel to the news, like Shawn texted me to do. He was hanging out with an old friend and told me he saw something on the news that I should see.

"-ay in front of Schabarum National Park, a young man, by the name of Peter McFadden, commited suicide. He is said to be between the ages of 22 and 25 years old and was living with two friends about 3 miles from where this took place. We have no further information at the moment, but we do have a witness. Officer Gregory Vergara, who attempted to stop the man." Hot tears flowed freely down my face, and I sobbed loudly. It was all my fault!

"Well, I kept a close eye on the boy the minute he sat on the curb in front of the park, and kept his hand by his pocket-" I tuned out the talking officer and stared down at my teardrop covered palms.

I suddenly remembered something. I got up and ran to the kitchen and opened the cabinet under the sink. I stared at the pack of cigarettes. I reached down and flipped open the top. Three. There were three left. I'd never smoked before, but when I asked Ben, Danny, and Sam why they smoked, they told me it's... Calming.

I pulled one out and searched around finally found Shawn's old lighter. With both items in hand, I scurried to the front door, still sobbing heavily, trying to calm myself. I stepped outside and sat down on the old, cement steps, which were becoming spider-webbed with cracks.

I placed the one cigarette in between my lips and slowly, hesitantly, raised the lighter to the end of it. I flipped the lighter open and, forgetting the reason my brother had put this lighter away in the first place. The old thing lit immediately, even if the top of it was open even the slightest bit, which had proved to be quite dangerous when his pocket was set ablaze at the local supermarket. The fire extinguisher was used on him by a new employee, who was quite frightened by what had been happening. More so than even the small children around with their parents.

I felt smoke gather in my mouth, which I quickly inhaled, not thinking. Idiot! My brain screamed at me, 'idiot!' But my brain wasn't the only thing screaming. My lungs felt as if they were on fire! How could anyone stand this shit?! It burned like a bitch. I exhaled, starting a coughing fit.

Suddenly, I my ears zeroed in on a faint sound behind me. It almost sounded like... Laughter!?

I quickly spun around, staring through the screen door at the figure before me, which was shaking with laughter.

"Smoking kills you. Slowly, but it surely will kill you." The person spoke. I recognized the voice all too quickly.

"But I wouldn't worry too much about the smoking." They chuckled, clicking their nails on the yellowing paint of the wall.

"I'm the one you should be scared of now, bitch." They growled, slamming the inside door closed.



OOOOOOOH. I think it's pretty obvious who it is. By whatever. I'm sorry this chapter and the one before are kind of short... I've just had writer's block so badly, like you have no idea. Well, I'd just like to thank all of you who vote, comment (only a few ._.), and fan me! I appreciate it A LOT! Ohmahgaaaaaaahhhhd. I also just recently kind of maybe reached 20,000 FRICKIN' READS, And it's already almost At 21,000 ! Whaaaaaat?!??!? Thanks so much, and only about 2 chapters left, then the epilogue! Bye, lovelies!

- A.D. xx

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