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I hesitently walked up to the trailer, but I realised something.

It's quiet... Too damn quiet. They're gone.

I sat on the couch and pulled out my iPhone.

I unlocked it, the time on the grey bar read '11:37'.

I sighed. The performances don't start for another 2 hours.

What the fuck am I supposed to do while I'm waiting for that? All of a sudden, I hear the door burst open, and a laughing Danny walks in, the others following closely behind. Except, Andy is with them.

Ugh. What does he what. Did he miss my lips earlier and now he wants to try again? Yeah, not going to happen.

"Hey Andy, umm... not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?" I tried to sound as nice as possible, but my words came out hoarse, because no matter how nice I wanted to sound, I wanted to stab his face with a fork. He left me with a dumbass look on my face, and a huge amount of guilt. What would Ben say? I mean, it was only on the cheek, but would it still bother him? I didn't want to find out how he would react, I'm going to keep this to myself unless it happens again, then I'm going to be a little 'snitch.' Because that's how I roll. I'm a reasonable snitch, so Andy should be on his knees apologizing, but we all knew he would never do that.

"Hey, Lacey? Is anyone home? Hellooooo?" I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what? I was daydreaming." I noticed Andy standing in front of me, his recent haircut looked good. I hadn't noticed it before because we never got close enough for me to really take a look at it.

"I said, I'm gonna hang out here for like an hour with your AA buddies before I have to go get ready for the performance. Jeez, you were out of it for like 5 minutes." he had an amused smirk plastered on his face.

I grabbed his shoulder with a death grip and he let out a whiney 'Ouch! That Hurts!'. I just pulled him along until we got to the bathroom. I shoved him in, and looked around before shuffling in.

"Why did you kiss my forehead earlier. You don't do that to a bandmember's girlfriend. Not. Okay." I snarled the last 2 words, and he flinched at my tone. His eyes flashed with hurt, but it was quickly turned into an amused look.

"I just think you're cute, especially when you get all pissed off like this. I really like you even though we just met. Give me a chance to show you I'm better than Ben?" his expression turned into a pleading one, but I shook my head. His face fell into a frown. I didn't feel bad. Not one bit. He doesn't have the right to go and flirt with another bandmember's girlfriend, it's just not okay.

"I'm sorry, Andy. I'm happy with Ben. I love how he treats me. He's a cheeky dickhead sometimes, but that's another reason why I lo-..." I paused, realising what I was about to say. His eyes widened slightly, and his lips parted just enough to see the whiteness of his two top front teeth.

I gulped, and knew I had to grow a pair and just come out and say it.

"I love him." just at that moment, the door creaked open and Ben poked his head through, a small, but genuine smile playing itself onto his face. His smile just lightened my mood. I smiled brightly at him, and he looked over at Andy. His smile immediately dropped as he looked at both of us a few times.

His eyes narrowed the slightest bit, and a small scowl crept onto his face. I flinched at his face, and how much anger and suspicion came from such a slight expression change.

"Ben, hey man. What's up?" Andy sounded as chipper as ever. I wanted to punch him in the face for his sudden happiness. I anything but happy. I was confused, angry, guilty, and most of all, irritated. So much was going through my mind. First of all, ways to kill Andy, second, how I was going to tell Ben what And and I were discussing, and so much other stuff I still had to find answers for.

You're My Saviour // Ben Bruce (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now