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I woke completely naked, with my head resting on Ben's chest.

His body rose and fell slowly with each breath he took.

The only sound in the bus was the snoring of the guys.

I slowly untangled myself from Ben's tight hold around my body.

Just as I jumped down from Ben's bunk, I heard another thump come from next to me.

I slowly turned around to find a half naked James staring at me, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

My forhead wrinkled in confusion, and I looked down.

I let out a loud gasp and covered as much of my naked body as I could.

James let out a light chuckle before walking over with a blanket and placing it over me.

"Thanks... Fuck I'm so embarrassed." I wrapped the blanket around myself and gave him a warm smile

He chuckled again and fixed his Calvin Klein boxers.

"It's no problem. You have a hot body by the way." he winked and turned.

I narrowed my eyes and tip-toed up behind him, and smacked him right on the back.

"OUCH!!" he let out a yelp in pain, and I began laughing because of his reaction.

I heard shuffling from the bunks and legs poked out from behind dark brown curtains.

All of the boys must have woken up because of James' girly yelp.

"What's going on?" Danny asked, rubbing his eyes and jumping down from his bunk.

"James saw me naked..." I let out a loud groan and fall to the floor to be dramatic.

Unfortunately, one of the dumbasses stepped on the towel and it slid off of me.

I let out a high-pitched squeal and the guys erupted in laughter.

I stood and dove into Ben's bunk.

"Oh come on, Lacey. We were only joking." Sam opened the curtain and I smacked him in the face.

"OUCH!!" his reaction was the same as James when I smacked his back.

I was laughing so hard no sound was coming out.

So hard apparently it made me fall out of my bunk and started cracking up on the floor because of how stupid I must have looked... I mean, I was in hysterics, rolling on the ground... naked.

The guys started laughing too because of how weird I was being.

"Lacey... You ... Are Too... Much Fun.." Cameron managed to breath out while he was doubled over, clutching his side because of laughing so hard.

We eventually sobered up and Ben helped cover me upso I could get to the bathroom where my bag was.

I searched through my bag.. Nope... No... WHY DID I BRING THIS?... YES!

I pulled out a lacey black set of bra and undies... yes, I say undies... Problem?

I grabbed My favorite black ripped jeans, a baggy hand-cut tank-top with Skidrow printed across the front of it in big, squiggly, black letters.

I found my all black vans and slipped them on.

I walked over to the sink where my brush was lying. I ran the brush through my hair until it was tangle-free.

I brushed my teeth as quickly as possible, but still brushing thoroughly.

I walked out of the bathroom and pulled out my phone. I tapped the twitter icon and had over 100 mentions.

You're My Saviour // Ben Bruce (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now