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"Well, this is fun!" I said, desperately trying to lighten the mood, but no matter what I said, I couldn't break the Peter vs. Ben glaring match. I huffed, and picked up my fork, twirling around what little bit of pasta I had left.

"Lacey, just give up. He doesn't like him, and plus, he's a dick when he's hungry." Sam whispered in my ear. I nodded. I would be pretty pissed too if I complained about my food taking too long, the manager apologizing and promising to send it out right away, and an hour later, it wasn't on my plate in front of me. I felt bad for Ben...

Finally, a rather attractive waitor brought Ben's food. He looked like he had just received a Ferrari. I smiled at him, and he winked at me.

After a while hr excused himself to the restroom, and I'm guessing Peter was waiting for him to leave because he immediately grabbed the chili powder and pepper. He began sprinkling all over Ben's spaghetti.

"Peter... Why are you doing that?" I asked him, but he just smirked evilly at me. I furrowed my eybrows and glared at him. I shot my hand out and grabbed the little glass bottle from his hand. He turned his head and scowled at me. I smiled sweetly at him and placed the small bottle by my arm, making sure to keep an eye on it so he couldn't grab it again.

Ben ran from the bathroom just as I was about to open my mouth and yell at Peter. I watched as he grabbed his fork and shoved it into his spaghetti. I tried to tell him to wait, but I was, unfortunately, too late. He shoved the spaghetti into his mouth, immediately going into a coughing fit. I gasped and scowled at Peter, who looked like he was going to explode from holding in his laughter.

Grabbing my glass of ice water, I went over to Ben. He was coughing so hard I'm surprised an organ didn't come out. I patted his back and handed him the water, which he gratefully took. When he started sipping it, his body shook slightly, probably because he was holding in his violent coughs. Soon, his body was still again and he set down the now empty glass. His eyes were red and were still watery. When I saw his hands shaking, I snapped.

"PETER!" I screamed, not caring that people had turned around to see what was happening. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. I SHOULD WHOOP YOUR SORRY ASS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS RESTAURANT. WE'LL SEE WHO'S LAUGHING THEN. BUT I WON'T. YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE I HAVE SOME FUCKING SELF-CONTROL!" I finally finished, and I walked right up to him and slapped him across the face. Gasps were heard from numerous people. I honestly couldn't care less what anybody else in this fucking restaurant thought.

I scowled at Peter one last time before turning and grabbing Ben's hand, pulling him out of the restaurant with me. When the cool air bit at my skin when we got outside, I instantly calmed down. I loved when it when it was cold. When it was hot, I got sweaty, and when I got sweaty I got sticky, which was just goddamn uncomfortable.

I turned and looked at Ben, my face softening at his pink-tinted face. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed.

"Are you alright, Ben?" I asked, pulling away slightly so I could look up at his face. He smiled slightly and nodded, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. I heard obnoxious laughter and looked over at the door of the restaurant to see the rest of the guys walking out, Shawn and Peter following closely behind. To say Shawn looked upset was an understatement. He looked as if he was about to rip Peter to shreds and then burn the pieces.

Peter looked pleased with himself though, a triumphant grin on his face. I wanted to go up to him and, quite literally, rip it off. I quickly turned away from him, not wanting to do anything else that I'd regret. Or possibly get arrested for... Sighing, I pulled away from Ben and stalked over to my car, a white 2005 Toyota Corolla, where Shawn was waiting by the passenger side door, and Peter was leaning on the same side, but by the back door.

You're My Saviour // Ben Bruce (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now