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A/N: Hi, so, I'm really sorry about this being sort of on hold. I need time to 'perfect' my ideas. But the story will continue as planned, just not as frequently updated. ): I promise to try and finish the chapters as quickly as possible, but at the same time making them detailed and interesting. Well, I'd just like to thank everybody who has read this story, even the few voters and commenters. I'd love to hear your comments and PLEASE Vote and fan me, It'll mean the world to me! Thanks! Much Love x

"Carry me, Danny." I smirked at his horror-filled expression. How much did he think I weighed? Jeez, I'm not freaking elephant! "Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase!" He sighed and stood up from his place on the couch, his arms lazily extended. "If you're not prepared, you're gonna end up hurting yourself, Danny." I frowned at him.

"What do you expect to do?! Get in a warrior stance?!" I smiled innocently and nodded. His face grew bored, but he prepared himself for impact. Ooh, this was going to be so fun. I stood from the couch and backed about 10 feet away from him, and got a running start before leaping into his arms. He grunted, but, to my surprise, he was still standing! Not bad, Danny-Boy, Not bad at all... I looked up at his proud face.

Okay, so I bet you're wondering why he's carrying me? It's all Ben's fault. It hurts like hell to walk, let alone when I had to run to jump into Danny's arms. I managed to convince him though, because that's how I roll. Anyways, I didn't feel like walking, so you get why I'm doing all of this, right? 'Course you do.

"Danny, let's go get breakfast." He nodded and carefully walked over to the door. He stopped right in front of the door and looked down at me. He looked uncertain, why? No idea.

"Danny, what's wrong?" He looked down at me and back to the black door of the bus. It was scratched up and worn from having been through the 5 monsters who inhabit this bus. I finally got what he was mentally debating about. Would we even fit through this door? I thought about accidentally hitting my head or legs on the way out. No thanks. I've got enough pain to worry about, thank you very much. Ah! Piggy back ride. Much easier, less wide.

"DANNY-BOY. Let me down real quick." He happily let me down, sighing as he relaxed his muscles. He has no idea. I tip-toed behind him. The poor thing won't see it coming. I backed up a bit before launching myself at his back. I latched my arms around his shoulders, and wrapped my legs around his waist. He yelped in surprise. Honestly, how did he not expect that from me. Some people just never learn...

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?! Are you insane?!" He screamed. I wouldn't be surprised if people two states over heard him.

"Obviously." I said in an 'are you freaking retarded?' voice. I swear, nobody knows my personality. AT ALL. I reached back with my left arm, tightening my right arm, to pinch his butt. He squealed and jumped forward. "Go on, Danny." I pinched again, getting the same reaction as before.

He sighed. "Where to, YOUR MAJESTY?" he said the last part in a fake sweet voice. Cheeky bitch...

I thought about it a little bit, and when I got the perfect idea, I whispered in his ear. "7-11." He groaned, stomping his feet lke a child. "But that's like a mile walk, and with your big ass on my back!" He whined. God, for his age, he acts like a frickin' 5 year old. I think that's why I love him and all the other guys. Well... Maybe not Andy, but yeah, everybody else.

"Well, then we better get going, huh?" I smirked at him when he craned his neck back so he could glare at me.

He reached out and pushed the door open, stumbling a bit as he walked down the 3 stairs that got you to the door. Immediately, heads turned and people stared at us, all starting to laugh. I can imagine why it would be amusing. THE Danny Worsnop, 'Extreme Rockstar', carrying a bandmember's girlfriend because she's in some pain down under. Well, nobody needs to know that's the reason, but if they did, I'm sure it'd be all the more hilarious. I just chuckled at Danny's scowling face. He literally is giving me a look that says 'Hey, so, just for this, Keep one eye open while you sleep.' I must admit, I'm really glad he's letting me ride on his back. If I had to walk to 7-11, that's 2 miles in total to-and-from, I would probably beg a random stranger to carry me back to the bus.

He slowly walked past the other band's buses, most of the guys came out just to laugh at Danny for a short minute, and then they would get frightened by Danny's murderous expression. Poor boy, this is going to hurt his ego like a bitch. He'll fix it later by doing something completely and outrageously stupid, because if Danny didn't do stupid shit, he just wouldn't be the Danny we all know and love. He wouldn't be the Danny you can't fall asleep around without waking up to your face looking like porno comic book. Yeah... I learned that the hard way.

I guess I must've been zoned out longer than I thought because when I broke from my thoughts, I looked down to see a panting, slightly hunched over, Danny, and beautiful, sweet 7-11 in front of us. I whooped and patted Danny's head, smiling down at him. He returned it with a glare and mumbled curses. Poor thing...

"Let's get inside, it's like a thousand frickin' degrees out here." I whispered in his ear, dramatically fanning myself to make my point. He groaned at quickly ran into the small building. I pointed to the fridges in the back of the building, where the drinks were located. He smiled and happily walked over to the fridges, resting his forehead on the cool glass doors. I chuckled a pulled one open, revealing the Arizonas and other assorted energy drinks and teas. I chose my baby. The Mucho Mango Arizona. It's like freaking heaven in a can. Well, I need junk food so I slid off Danny's back, stretching my legs and wincing at the pain. Stupid Ben. All that prick's fault... Although it wasn't ANYWHERE as bad as it was earlier, it still hurt to walk.

I walked into the aisle with all the best sweet foods... I grabbed a pack of chocolate 'Donettes', A few Hershey Bars, a small pack of oreos, and a few other horribly fattening sweets.

--30 minutes later--

We got back to the bus, and I've eaten almost everything we bought. I'm feeling a bit light-headed... But at the same time, I feel like I could run forever. I wish I could fly... I would be able to fly with all the unicorns and those special flying rainbow elephants. That would be wicked. Whoaaaa. I'm gonna surprise the boys. Those stupid-faces left me with my makeup. I'm gonna make them look pretty while they're sleeping. The boys had all went to sleep in a big group on the 'living room' floor.

I got my liquid eyeliner, bright red lipstick, and white powder and went to work. They won't even know what hit them. They're so going thank me when they wake up... I heard a groan and I immediately squealed in excitement. They. Will. Be. So. Happy. Well, at least I hope they are. I'm not supposed to eat sweets, but what can it hurt every once in a while?! NOT AT ALL, SUGAR IS GOOD. IT MAKES ME FREAKIN' HAPPY. Maybe a little too happy, but PRETTY DAMN HAPPY.

I heard another groan and I knew they were all beginning to wake up. Ooooooh they're going to leap with joy! Suddenly, a loud yell echoed through the bus. They must really love it! Out of nowhere, all 5 of the little chick-a-dees walked through the door. Looking as gorgeous as ever! I squealed and giggled, telling them all they were gorgeous. They would look better if they stopped glaring and opened those beautiful eyes nice and wide!

"WHAT.DID.YOU.DO?" Cameron spoke slowly, sounding extremely intimidating The other guys' glares hardened and I finally realized. They're mad at me. I was just trying to be nice. Tears came to my eyes and I let out a sob. Their faces immediately softened and Ben stepped forward. Looking as gorgeous as he ALWAYS did. "What's wrong?" He asked, sounded genuinely concerned. Concerned my ass. I released a strangled sob. Why am I always so emotional?! It runs in my family. Stupid genetics...

"I made you guys pretty! When I eat sweets, I go crazy and do weird stuff. If you wanna get me back you can." They all smirked and I instantly regretted what I said. This is not going to end well...

You're My Saviour // Ben Bruce (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now