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POV: Lacey

"I'm fine." I mumbled, becoming extremely annoyed. I wasn't given a break! Every move I made, Ben would ask 'are you sure you're alright, love?' And I was this close to going outside, slamming my face in my car door, and then saying 'I'm not fine now.'

"Alright, well, your brother, the lads, and I will be out back if you need us. Remember, Danny's still asleep in the guest room, alright?" He sat and waited for me to respond.

I didn't.

Just because I had a little, teensy-weensy, kind of, sort of, break down the day before does not mean I'm going to fall down on the floor and bawl my eyes out because of any little thing. I just wanted to relax and spend time with the people I love, and although I loved Ben, he was seriously pissing me the fuck off.

Ben sighed and got up from the foot of the bed and walked to the door.

But although I kept saying I was fine, I knew deep down, I wasn't. I know, I just ranted how I didn't need help or comfort, but to be honest... I only wanted to talk to one person right now. One person who, no matter what, can make me smile. You may be thinking 'Oh, it's Ben, duh.' It's not.

It's Danny.

Yep, my Danny-Boy. He's so good at brightening the mood. I don't know how he manages to do it. Probably just born with a positive attitude.

Slowly, I stood up and padded over to the door and slowly, as quietly as possible, pushed it open and walked down the hall. Earlier, Danny had announced that he was taking a nap, and that he wanted to use the guest room instead of the bus because he said he couldn't stand the odor of it any longer. I don't blame him. A bus that's been full of nothing but sex, alcohol, drugs, and sweaty guys wouldn't be my ideal nap spot either.

Suddenly, the sound of glass breaking from the other side of the guest door had my heartbeat increasing rapidly.

I turned the guest door knob and pushed it open, unprepared for what was behind it. I screamed as loudly as I could.

- Danny's POV -

It felt nice to be sleeping in a sanitary place for once. Okay, I wasn't sleeping necessarily. It was more like I was examining life bit by bit in my mind while just staring blankly at the ceiling. I hadn't taken the time to really think about things since Ben was beaten, which was now exactly a week ago. So many things have happened in such a short amount of time. Most of them were bad things, but not all.

For example; Lacey and Ben finally get some private time, the lads and I get some time off that God forsaken hell-pit of a bus, and we can all just laze around all day. I'll be honest though, I feel bad about staying in Lacey, Shawn, and Peter's house when ours is literally on the same street.

And, although I mentioned the good things, the bad outweighed them greatly. I've told the lads about my plan with Peter, and even though they were all for it, I can't help but feel nervous... Peter may seem like a chilled out lad, but Ben's witnessed first-hand what he's capable of. So it's almost as if I'm trying to hold off on carrying out with it for as long as possible. It's a horrible thing, but it's normal to be afraid of a fucking psychopath! He obviously must've kept his feelings in for far too long, but I don't really blame him. He does seem to have a problem with expressing his emotions in a civil manor.

Suddenly, something cold and hard hit my head, which I immediately registered to be a glass bottle. Come on, it's not like being a cheeky fucker doesn't get you hit with a beer bottle at some point in your life.

To be honest, even though whoever has just hit me with a bottle has one good arm on them, it didn't really hurt. I felt completely numb.

How absolutely strange. It was as if all my nerves turned off, but I could still ... feel. I felt the soft cushion of the bed under me, and the cool wind coming from the open window. It seemed safe to open it at the time. It was quite stuffy in that guest room, seeing as it probably only gets use once in a blue moon.

I looked around through my blurred vision, only to see a short figure with faded blonde hair, but since I was extremely disoriented, I couldn't make out major details. Slowly, I felt my eyes close, and all I could see was darkness.

An ear-splitting scream filled the room, and most likely the whole house. Sinister and absolutely filled with hate, a familiar voice followed the scream.

"It's so fun watching you crumble, but although that may be entertaining, I think I'd like it better to see your reaction to those you love being broken one bone at a time."

Just after this was said, I felt two small hands at my wrist and in a split second, a sickening crack filled my ears and I heard gagging. Even though I knew the crack was from me, and I felt the hands when they twisted, there was absolutely no pain. It was a... good feeling, but I was also aware of the pain I'd feel when, and if I woke up.

- Lacey's POV -

"It's so fun watching you crumble, but although that may be entertaining, I think I'd like it better to see your reaction to those you love being broken one bone at a time." She said, a horrible, evil smile on her face.

What had I done to Rose to make her so angry?! Other than completely reject Peter, which she had clearly stated angered her. Why did she care, though? Yes, she's his sister, but she's obviously younger than him, and seems quite a bit crazier...

I wasn't paying close enough attention to notice that she'd moved her hands to Danny's arm, which was hanging off the side of the bed, and wrapped her hands around his wrist. She quickly moved both of her tightly clasped hands in opposite directions and Danny's wrist snapped.

I was immediately sick to my stomach and turned and emptied the little bit of food I had eaten this morning.

"Now, we wouldn't want more of poor Danny's bones being broken now, would we?" She asked, looking as if she wouldn't mind breaking all 205 bones left in his body.

"N-no." I mumbled, my back to her with my head bowed. How is it that she could overpower me so well, yet I could do absolutely nothing to take an ounce of control over her. Wait. Peter.

"Brilliant, now, we must discuss the issues of you, Peter, and sweet, sweet Ben." She sat on the bed and shoved Danny's unmoving body towards the wall. God, she's absolutely insane. How can she act so casual about this horrible shit she's doing.

I just stood frozen, which apparently annoyed her because she reached over to Danny's other wrist and wrapped her hands around it, looking at me the entire time. Quickly, I shuffled over to the bed and sat next to her, causing her to release Danny's wrist.

"Alright, so we may have discussed this before, but let me refresh your memory, and I'll make it short and sweet. If you don't break up with that fuck-up Ben and get with Peter, I'll kill him and the rest of Asking Alexandria. Got it?" She sneered and glared at me.

Quickly, I nodded. And the sinister smile she was wearing grew smug and triumphant, and I really didn't like it. It angered me to see her so pleased with herself, especially over somethinge so horrid.

I needed to think of a way out of this. How could I get rid of her and be positive she won't come back this time?


A/N: Hello beautiful people. Sorry this kind of took a long time... My internet was down... But it's back now! Yay. Okay, as I mentioned in my previous chapter or the chapter before, PLEASE, if you are a fan of One Direction, check my friend's new fanfiction out. PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE. I'll love you forever. Also, don't forget to leave your comments below, vote for this story, and fan meeeee! xx

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