Chapter 2

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I walk down stairs with my frog slippers.

Gon: Stepmom?

No reply still.

Gon: Dad? Ging?.

But still no response at this point I was scared or terrified that's until...


End of recap.

Still Gon's Pov:

After I hear that crash again I started to really panic and grabbed the nearest thing from my side which was a frying pan.

And stand my guard just In case there's really is someone somewhere in the house so I walk around with my frying pan and watch out for something that doesn't blend in with the place I walk slowly through the house waiting for an ambush

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And stand my guard just In case there's really is someone somewhere in the house so I walk around with my frying pan and watch out for something that doesn't blend in with the place I walk slowly through the house waiting for an ambush. And then suddenly I feel breathing on my neck  I turned a 180 and hit the person.

Gon: oh thank goodness I finally got them-I do a little victory dance.

But that smile fades when I found out who it was...

Gon: Da- I mean Ging?!

I was completely filled with shock did I just knock out my own father with a frying pan? I'm so dead when he wakes up or I could just lie to him and tell him he just fainted but that wont probably work it is ging we're talking about.

Gon: oh well might as well give it a shot I was the one who smacked him with it.

I sigh and pick him up by the shoulder and laid him on his bed walked out of the room.

Gon: well that's half the problem solved now the other half is still there.

I sigh and look at the clock its now 6:44a.m. and I barely got any sleep oh well I have to wake up at this time anyway. Might as well get something to eat but obviously not in these pajamas I need to change or at least take a bath. I walk upstairs and go the the bathroom and take out my clothes, put them on my bed, strip then step in the shower.

Gon: The water is nice and warm-I softly hum a song.

I then start to wash my hair and body I've never felt so refresh before I don't know why but something about today is special but what is it? I just feel in a great mood today but once again I continue my day without worrying about it or should I?.I get out the shower, dry myself and walked to my room then I start to dress(here is what he's wearing).

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When I'm done I go downstairs to the kitchen open the fridge to be greeted with a empty fridge.

Gon:I guess I have to go shopping-I sigh.

I leave a note saying I'll be going to get groceries just In case my Stepmom starts to make a scene. I walk out the house to get hit in the face by the fresh air I love the smell of fresh air its so relaxing too bad some people sleep in this early to see how beauty of the Island(😶).I start walking down the streets of yorknew but honestly I like whale Island better because its more relaxing there but its not that bad in yorknew so I'll take what I get. After awhile of walking down the street I finally got to my destination and walk in I greeted the employees and walk down aisles.

Gon: Now lets see what I need to get-I open up the list and check.




4: white/brown flour


6:Whip cream

7:cream(for skin)




Gon: so much in one day- I sigh.

I start looking around and found most of them the only two I haven't found yet are the chocolate and whip cream after about 5 minutes I found the whip cream and chocolate I then go to check out and walk out of the shop. While I was walking I stopped when I saw two men trembling a little girl.

Man 1: oh c'mon little girl we can show you a good time-the 1 man said.

Man 2: ya just follow us we will lead the way- the other said.

???: No thank you I just want to go home-the little girl said.

The two men were about to grab her so I rushed over there and pushed their hand away.

Gon: She said that she doesn't want to go stop bothering her-I said to the men.

They both look pissed off and had gotten into a fight.

Man 1: How about you leave no before we beat you up- the man said to me.

I said to the little girl to get behind me and she did I am not gonna let these two man lay a finger on this child I wont let something else happen to another person that needed help not like last time. The two men then started to head toward me and the girl I blocked most of them and punched one in the upper then kick the other in the balls. The little girl just stood there amazed and watched the fight The two man got back up and started attacking again but I stood my guard and was ready for them to attack. We were exchanging blows  one of the man tried kicking me in the gut but I blocked the attack once again and sent him flying to the wall. After awhile of fighting the men finally gave up finally and I was glad even though all of us are beaten up well not really me but the two man.

Man 1: Man screw this I'm out- the first man said and ran out the alleyway.

Man 2: same- He then runs the same way as the first.

I sigh and turn to the girl even though I'm beaten a little bit but still managed to walk.

Gon: Are you ok? -I asked the little girl.

She then nodded and hugged me even though I was shocked at first but then hugged back.

???:Yes I'm fine thanks to you- she then smiled sweetly not gonna lie it reminded me of aunt mito she then separated from me- Also what's your name?-the little girl asked me.

Gon: Oh I'm gon-I replied-what's your name?-I asked the little girl.

???: I am ...

Alluka-The girl said happily.

I can't believe I finished this all today oh well hoped you in joined this chapter bye for now.<3

word count:1112

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