I know, I know

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Yesterday I got discharged they said I just had a really bad panic attack. It must have been bad because i was in there for 3 days after telling paddy to go away and never talk to me again. I was used to those by now but this one was worse,
When I woke up I got in the shower and then got dressed into this

 I was used to those by now but this one was worse, When I woke up I got in the shower and then got dressed into this

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When I was done I ran down the stairs to haz. And hugged him because I wanted him to invite Amy to go on a walk with me.
H:el what do you want...
E: wow I'm so offended that you think that I just hugged you to get something out of it.
H: I know you to well sis
E:ok fine will you ask Amy if she wants to hang with me today
H: hey don't try steal her from me, I mean she's not mine but...
R: oh does hazzy poo have a little crush.
Hazs face went a bright red and I laughed.
E: oh la la your in love with Amy, your in love with Amy
H: Ella stop it right now and I'll call her to hang out with you.
E: ok yay
1 hour later
Amy is outside and I'm getting my shoes on as I grab my bag I open the door and to my surprise I see Tom and Harry.
E: umm hey.. haz is inside if you want him.
T: actually we wanted to talk to you.
E: can we do this later i kinder have somewhere to be
Haz comes up from behind me and pushed me out the way to hug Tom
H:sis you can talk to them and I can hang out with Amy for a little bit
I huff
E:fine what do you want...
Ha:can we go inside to your room ells
E:yep let's go and get this over and done with
We get to my room and I close my bedroom door and look outside of my curtains, to be honest it's becoming a daily thing to see if I can see his face.
E:so what is this about then
Ha: let's get straight to the point then...
E: go on then I thought you said straight to the point.
T: Ella it's paddy
I heard his name and I felt sadness come over me
E: don't say his name around me please
Ha: Ella please he's not eating again and this has mums in a mind set that she is a bad mother and she can't even think straight anymore.
E: why do you think I care about him anymore...
T: Ella did you just hear what you said or did you even hear what we said
E:oh my god I didn't mean that
I'm so sorry, I I I would never say that what is wrong with me.
Ha: I know you would never Ella just please talk to him
E: why do you think he would want to talk to me if I made him like this
T: because your Ella the amazing but annoying best friend that's like a little sister to me, and to pads your a beautiful angel that he will always listen to.
E: you knew didn't you...
Ha: knew what exactly
E: everything, like me and paddy having a night and then after I moved he went onto Chloe... you knew.
T: yes we did but that doesn't matter please just help him please... if not for him then for me and everyone but him
I looked out my window for a second and then ran out of my room and straight to the Holland's.
I opened the door and ran up to paddy's room, I walked in without knocking and saw paddy lying down on his bed with tissues everywhere.  Then he looked at me with his red puffy eyes and face. I couldn't help it I ran to him and hugged him so tight and let him cry into my shoulder.
We stayed like this for about 3 hours and it was nice, then I decided to talk to him.
His head was on my breast as I stroked his hair, and I took a big breath and with that his head moved to look at me, his eyes were less red now as well as his face but he had a few tear marks on his face.
E: pads let's go out and get some food as well as going to get fresh air
P: o..oh ok
E: ok get dressed and I'll bring you up a cup of tea then when you have finished we will go on a walk and grab food.
P:ok .... wait Ella can can I.umm ok well can.. you know what never mind.
E:ok paddy I'll be back in a little bit
I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen to make me and paddy a cupper. Then I saw Niki in the corner of the room making cookies, I assume there for paddy .
E: umm hi Niki...
N: Ella why are you here you shouldn't be here
Then Tom comes in
T: mum she's here to help out pads, Ella how did it go you were in there for a while
E: umm it went well actually I'm getting him to get dressed and I'm going to make him a cup of tea then we are going to get food then go on a walk.
N: omg thank you so much Ella, this is why I always loved you your like a daughter to me, thank you for helping paddy out, I think that this time he would have died if it wasn't for you.
Then the kettle went of and I finished the teas and took them up to paddy but then I hear him talking to someone and I couldn't help it I had to know what he was saying.
Paddy's POV
I finished getting dressed then I heard my phone go off and I saw that Chloe was ringing me, I couldn't do this anymore I need to break up with her she never really loved me if I'm honest it just doesn't feel right, so I pick up the phone
C: well hello nice to know your alive and well
P: wait a second I'm putting you on loud speaker Chloe do I can finish getting dressed.
C:ok baby and I forgive you for leaving me alone when you pooped out the other day
P:oh yea sorry about that but umm Chloe we have to talk.
C: go on sugar lump
P: Chloe this is really hard to say but umm I want this to be over
C: sugar what are you saying right now
P: we need to break up
C: you know what I didn't even like you at first it was because I was mad at Ella getting famous and I knew she loved you so when I knew you were sad I took advantage of it and secondly I only went out with you for fame, so I'm happy that this relationship is done because it was all fake to me... oh and I guess that means you lost your virginity to someone who didn't even like you let alone love you
Back to your POV
E: for your information Chloe he did because I loved him and he loved me so that's where your wrong... ok by sweetie
I hang up paddy's phone and look at him and he had red eyes again and a tear falling down his Freckly face, I move my hand to the side of his face and use my thumb to wipe his tear off of his beautiful face. I can feel his breath against my lips and the next thing I know our lips are moving against each other's in perfect rhythm
But then i use all of the power I have to push him off of me even thought I didn't want it to stop we had to get him to eat and get out of the house.
E: come on we can talk about this later come on we're getting Mac Donald's
We hop in my car and get our macs and then I drive to the little lake we would always ride our bikes too all the time and we get out and eat our Mac Donald's together.
E: paddy you can't keep on doing this to yourself
P:I know, I know
It gets colder so when I finish my burger I cuddle up to paddy and we stay there for a very long time just looking up into the winter night sky.

The one for me~ Paddy HollandWhere stories live. Discover now