Pt12 first album

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When I posted my talking to the moon song last month, I didn't think that I would be getting this much recognition, most people just knew me for my movies but now people would know me because of my music.
Today I was going to release my album called "I'm not your toy, you stupid boy." It was about my heart break songs of paddy and he knew but we were all good now. I mean I think we are because we kiss all the time and stuff but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet soooo....
But today I've also got an interview with James Corden and I was so excited to go back to America just for two days so I had invited paddy to come with me and I thought that maybe he will ask me to be his girlfriend there. But today I was finishing packing, I was going to surprise paddy about asking him today to come with me. I was packing my bags in the car as I heard a door slam and a cry from next door.

Paddy's POV
I saw Ella packing bags in here car like before. But we were doing so well at the moment why would she leave without telling me. I was having déjà vu and I didn't like it. I ran down the stairs as fast as humanly possible and slammed the door and I didn't even realise I was crying.
P: Ella don't leave me again.. *sniffel*
E: paddy come on I'm not leaving you
I ran and gave her a hug and squeezed her until she had no breath left.
E: paddy a little to tight
P: oh sorry about that.... so wait where are u going
E: to America,* paddy buts in*
P: so you are leaving me and you lied about leaving me when you know that I'm in love with you.
E: paddy.. wait your in love with me
P: of course I'm in love with you, I always have and always will.
E: if you loved me so much how come you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend. Huh?
P: I was going to, today actually but you are leaving me again... you know what maybe I shouldn't love you I would be better off
E:*tears in her eyes* how could you say that
P: but then again I could never get you out of my head because I'm head over heels for you, so please please don't go
E: paddy I wasn't going to leave you I was going to ask u to join me
P: wait what... you want me to come with u to America
E: of course I do.
P: I've made a fool of myself but I don't care because I would follow you off the face of the planet.
E: aww, now get packing before we miss our plane
(15 hours later)
Me and Ella have just arrived in the fancy hotel, I don't actually know how long we will be here for but I don't mind because it's only the beginning of January and Ella's birthday is the same as the twins.
We walked into the hotel room and I see the reason she likes this so much, I mean if I knew Tom lived like this I would have started this career years back. The walls are painted a light yellow and the room had its own kitchen and massive living room, there was a spiralled staircase leading to a bedroom which only had one bed. Me and Ella haven't really talked about us yet but sleeping in the same bed would be nice because I miss her cuddling in the night.
P: Ella there's only one bed but I can sleep on the floor if you want
E: no silly we have shared a bed before, I used to practically live in your bed years back do you remember that.
P: omg yes I remember now you've said that.. why was that again
E: because Harrison would have so many people over for party's and stuff and I hated the noise and I loved speaking to you and spending time with you so I practically lived at yours.
P: Ella can I ask you something
E: yea sure
P: will you be my girlfriend after all these years of being in love but never doing anything about it
E: yes YES yesss of course I love you so much

The one for me~ Paddy HollandWhere stories live. Discover now