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This is Olivia Rodrigo's album and I love it with all my heart and it goes with this chapter.

It's been 2 months since America and let's just say I have had time to change myself and how I see things differently. 2 weeks after paddy had came back he asked "amber"(imagine you acting bitchy and highly annoyed tone) to come and stay with him for a wile, they have been dating for about 1 month and 3 weeks not that I have been counting or anything. Ok fine I'm not over him but I thought he was the one for me. Since I had told Harrison what happened he told Tom because they never have been able to hide their secrets from each other, he told Tom that he wanted to kill paddy and then he told Tom why and everyone just ended up knowing, to be honest from what Tom has said about amber she almost sounds like it could turn into another Chloe incident. But this time I won't be there to pick up his pieces because he broke me first, but on the better side I have almost finished my new album that I wanted to call sour just to stick it in his face how I felt after he had slept with that no good son of a whore and then had the audacity to bring her to London but worse live next door to me. Funny thing is what he told me the night he landed in England.

( flash back )

"Ell" paddy knocks impatiently and hard on my window, he had always knocked on my window softly at night when he couldn't sleep so he would cuddle with me until we eventually fell asleep, but this time I wasn't going to open that window and let him in, that was like inviting him into my heart again and that was not happening even if he never really left.
"Piss off"I said with a gruffy voice
"Ella listen to me it was a mistake, you got to believe me" paddy said through the window, I opened my curtains fast and made him jump, it nearly made him fall off of the roof.
"A MISTAKE, YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS" I was fuming literally fuming
"Ell calm down ok, trust me I would have never done this on purpose, it really was a mistake" he said with his eyes wide and trying to stare in mine but I refused.
"You ruined our relationship because you made a mistake that is way worse then you doing it on purpose, do you know why?" Paddy looks at me in disbelief as the next words come sliding out of my mouth.
"Our relationship meant nothing to you because of that "mistake" and if it was on purpose then I would of not have felt like this, paddy you didn't care enough about are relationship, because you threw it down the drain when you fucked that slag" I was on the brink of tears but paddy had beaten me to it. I hated seeing him like this but he definitely deserved to know the truth, well what I thought was the truth. Paddy didn't say anything, he just looked.
"So if you don't mind, piss of will ya" I shut the curtains and snuggle up to my blankets and finish 'isn't it romantic' (I love that movie with Rachel)
quietly sobbing alone in the dark.

(End of flash backs)
"Ok Ella focus stop think about the past I have to finish this song" I said hitting my head lightly because of my writer's block. You know what I might go on a walk, yes I will. I grabbed my jacket and shoes and went out to walk around the street with monty ( mine and haz's dog )
I had all of my work out clothes on so I decided I would go on a run instead of walking to relieve me of this built up anger and hatred that was left inside me. The hatred wasn't just because of paddy and his new bitch, it was also towards me for still loving him. My birthday is coming up as it's the 7th of February so only a week left. God my birthday is going to be horrendous because I'll be alone this is because of Valentine's Day. I have always hated it because I had never really had a boyfriend that long to have a valentines, then it hit me I know what my songs chorus should be...
"Good 4 you"

As I ran back home to finish my song I ran into someone, can you guess who it was?

As I ran back home to finish my song I ran into someone, can you guess who it was?

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The one for me~ Paddy HollandWhere stories live. Discover now