03: Fever

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"Hwanwoong? Hwanwoong!" A voice called out as said boy began regaining consciousness.

The boy with light pink hair sat upright, rubbing the back of his head gently. He looked around, trying to gain his senses back. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was laying on the couch, Keonhee sitting on the floor right beside him.

"What happened?" Hwanwoong sounded tired, his words coming out kind of slurred and uncertain.

"Leedo came home early from school and found you passed out in the kitchen." Keonhee explained, turning to grab a glass of water off the coffee table located behind him in order to offer it to Hwanwoong. "You were unresponsive for a while, if you didn't wake up just now when I tried to wake you then we were going to take you to the hospital."

Hwanwoong nodded his head slowly, accepting the water and drinking the entire glass in a few gulps.

"Are you feeling okay?" Keonhee asked cautiously, looking the shorter in the eyes. "Do you think you actually need to go to the hospital?"

"N-no, no I think I'm fine." Hwanwoong stuttered, shaking his head as well only to get a little dizzy. He felt like he had a slight headache, but it was so dull it was truly hard to tell if it was really there.

His head was turned to the side which caused the room to briefly spin, Seoho being the cause of the sudden action. The brunette put the back of his hand against Hwanwoong's Forehead, checking hid temperature. Seoho pulled his hand away only to hand Hwanwoong some medicine and another glass of water.

"You seem to be running a fever. Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Seoho exclaimed, walking around the couch to sit by Hwanwoong's feet.

"I'm sure." Hwanwoong said with a brief nod. He feels sore and tired, almost like he could sleep for hours, but he doesn't want to immediately go to the hospital if this turns out to be something that's not too serious. "Thank you for the medicine, and I'm sorry for causing any concern. But I think I'll just try to sleep this off."

The boy dismissed himself, standing on hesitant legs and shuffling over to his room. He felt the pairs of eyes staring at the back of his head as he closed the door behind himself. Shutting his eyes tightly, he pressed his back against the door, sliding down it to sit on the floor.

"Do you really think he's okay?" Keonhee's muffled voice could barely be picked up through the walls.

"I think so." Seoho replied, his tone making his words sound more like a question than a statement. "We'll give it about a day or so and see if he needs to go to the hospital then."

"He seems weird." Hwanwoong heard Xion's voice, which surprised him since he didn't even realize the long-haired boy was out there. Though his voice was the most difficult to hear, making Hwanwoong assume he was perhaps sitting at the table.

"Ya! Don't say stuff like that, you barely know him!" Keonhee raised his voice to scold the younger boy.

Hwanwoong moved away from the door, not wanting to hear anymore than he already did. Not having the strength to stand, he crawled over to his bed, pulling himself up onto the surface with a little difficulty. His body feels really achy, and even face first onto the bed he felt as if he could sleep for days.

The strange mark near his neck began to burn. It caused him to turn onto his side and curl into a ball, whimpering as the heat slowly spread throughout his body. It wasn't a normal type of heat either, it felt fake in some odd sense.

Hwanwoong rolled over onto his other side, now facing the wall. He closed his eyes tight, wishing he would just fall asleep to make all of this go away. A feeling of nausea passed over him, making him let out another whimper.

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