02: A Fresh Start

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Birds sang their morning songs a bit too early that next morning. Hwanwoong lazily threw his arm over his eyes, wishing for just a few more minutes of sleep. But just as he was close to drifting off again the front door open and closed with very loud bangs, a small beeping sound heard in between the opening and closing of the door. It was too late to fall back asleep, Hwanwoong's mind is now fully awake.

He huffed and sat upright, opening his eyes to immediately meet his reflection in the mirror. Only it wasn't his own. For a brief moment he saw another person, a boy with sad eyes and lace choker trapping his neck. A seemingly dark demeanor surrounding the figure.

His heart leapt from his chest. Hwanwoong rubbed his eyes frantically, looking back into the mirror and actually seeing himself this time. Strange.

"Ahh, I seriously must not have gotten enough sleep." Hwanwoong complained, sliding his legs off the side of the bed while shaking his head. His bare feet hit the floor with a soft thud.

There was a faint sound of buzzing that caught the boy's attention. Looking over, it took a couple of seconds to process that the buzzing was coming from his phone. As soon as it processed what the sound was Hwanwoong reached for his phone and put it up to his ear.

"H-hey, grandma?" Hwanwoong answered sheepishly, clearing his throat to hide the fact he just woke up. "Good morning?"

"Hwanwoong! Oh thank goodness your okay! You had me worried half to death." His grandmothers frail, caring voice came through the other end of the phone, causing the boy to smile.

"I'm so sorry grandma, my phone died right after I landed. But I mean I arrived safely, and I'm at the house. It was just kind of late and I fell asleep before my phone charged. I'm sorry again for worrying you." Hwanwoong explained softly, eyes drifting downwards unconsciously. He didn't even need to be prompted to know this was why the older woman called.

"That's really good to hear...about you getting to the house that is. You don't know how worried I was when you weren't picking up my calls or responding to my texts." His grandmother sounded like a typical worried mother at this point. "I was starting to think you forgot about me...or you died."

"Grandma! Don't joke about stuff like that." Hwanwoong screeched at the woman's words, slightly kicking his feet as his tone turned into a whine. "And you know I would never forget about you."

"Yes, I know. I just wanted to tease you." She responded a smile evident simply in her voice.

"I am really sorry for worrying you though, I should've been more prepared." Hwanwoong then mumbled, feeling guilt crawl at his skin.

"No, no, it's okay Hwanwoong. I have trust that you will make the right decisions and stay safe." His grandmother reassured, Hwanwoong could envision her patting the air with her wrinkled hand. "How is the room? Do you need anything?"

"The room is great grandma, plenty big for me." Hwanwoong answered, looking around the room as he spoke. "You've already helped me enough. I don't need anything I promise."

"Well too late! I already sent a care package to the address with your name on it." The woman said mischievously, giggling after she ended her sentence.

"Grandma!" Hwanwoong whined again, tiling his head to the side while pouting.

For a split second Hwanwoong caught a glimpse of the mirror from the corner of his eye. He turned his head a little more, seeing a strange shadow. The boy summed it down to the odd angles of light coming from beyond the blinds covering the window.

"Hwanwoong? Hwanwoong? Are you still there?"

"Ah, yes! Yes I am. Sorry, I got distracted." Hwanwoong snapped himself out of his daydream, looking ahead to stare at his feet.

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