17: A Morning Like None Other

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It took what felt like forever for Hwanwoong to wake up. His head felt fuzzy, likely from the lack of sleep. He had difficulty falling asleep after the commotion from the previous night, and when he did fall asleep it seemed like all that awaited him was nightmares.

Forcing himself out of bed, Hwanwoong immediately checked the mirror, being met with his own reflection. Dark circles under his eyes, hair completely out of place, lips turned into a frown, clothes not looking right on his body. Hwanwoong started to dislike his reflection.

He tore his gaze away before his thoughts could get out of hand.

Checking his phone, his frown deepened noticing that despite the device being plugged in, it didn't charge the entire night. It took everything in his power to not throw the device out of anger. But that didn't stop him from tugging the chord out of the wall, balling it up to the best of his abilities, and stuffing it into the small trash can located on the other side of his nightstand.

"Just great. I guess I need to go shopping later." Hwanwoong muttered to himself as he picked out his outfit for the day. He changed quickly, not bothering to go through his full morning routine at this point.

Hwanwoong exited his room to an empty living space. Odd.

He checked the time from the clock on the wall, guessing he was out here a few minutes before the others started their routines. Still, someone should be out here.

Sluggishly, Hwanwoong made his way to the kitchen to find anything at that point to eat. Something easy that didn't require a lot of effort. Which ended up being peanut butter toast with whatever random fruits he found and washed.

Sitting at the table in silence caused another strange feeling his gut. Hwanwoong pinched himself pretty hard, ensuring that he wasn't dreaming. That this is reality. Indeed, that got Hwanwoong to wince at himself, a sigh following afterwards.

Hwanwoong just put his dish in the sink when he heard a door open. His head shot around, locating where the sound came from. A smile spread across his features, followed by a look of relief.

"Your okay!" Hwanwoong cheered, still somewhat quietly, as he rushed to engulf Xion in a tight hug.

A bit surprised, the younger ended up returning the hug. Surprisingly he nuzzled his head against Hwanwoong's shoulder.

"Yes, I'm okay. Thanks for worrying." Xion muttered, his voice sounded rough, though it was because he just woke up.

Hwanwoong backed away to get a better look at the youngers face, holding him by the shoulders.

"Are you feeling alright?" Hwanwoong asked caringly, trying to forget about his own problems for the time being.

Xion nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. A lot just happened last night....a lot."

Hwanwoong nodded in return, definitely in an understanding manner.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?" Carefully, the shorter asked.

"Not yet, I'll tell everyone at once." Xion replied, stepping out of the olders grip to stretch. "There seriously was too much that happened, and it'd be a pain to repeat the story three separate times."

"Gotcha." Hwanwoong replied, not being to take his eyes off his younger friend. "Seriously, I'm really glad that you are okay."

Xion smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't mean to cause so much worry. But umm...what exactly did Leedo tell you?"

"I mean nothing in particular. Just that he hadn't heard from you all day, and that you weren't picking up your phone." Hwanwoong explained, following Xion into the kitchen as he got his breakfast. "I just haven't heard Leedo that worried before, so it made it seem like whatever could've happened was really serious. I don't know what I really thought happened to you, if you got kidnapped or something, I was really just playing off of Leedo's worry."

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