05: Late Night Commotion

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Hwanwoong woke up to a loud bang, startling him half way out of bed. He grabbed his phone instinctively and rushed out of his room. The living space was dark, minus the light over the area by the front door. That area immediately gained Hwanwoong's attention, pushing him to approach cautiously.

"Keonhee? Are you okay?" Hwanwoong called out, moving towards where the taller laid awkwardly on the floor. He crouched beside Keonhee, hesitantly putting a hand on his arm. "Are you drunk?"

The sound of creaking signaled another door being opened. Hwanwoong looked over his shoulder, seeing Seoho exit his bedroom rubbing his eyes. The older tiredly walked over to the entrance, acting as if nothing extreme could be happening right now.

"What's going on?" Seoho asked, his voice pretty raspy from obviously waking up moments prior.

"I don't know." Hwanwoong responded, rubbing Keonhee's shoulder gently. "I think he passed out. He's not exactly responding."

"Ah, okay. This tends to happen after he spends time with his parents." Seoho sighed, crouching besides Hwanwoong to get a better look at Keonhee. "Get ready to lift him, let's move him to the couch."

Together they mustered up some strength and moved the unconscious male to the couch. They gently dropped him onto the surface, except Seoho went falling down onto the couch with him. The older let out a heavy sigh, pushing Keonhee off of him.

"God, he reeks of alcohol." Seoho scrunched up his nose, standing up and brushing himself off.

Hwanwoong already moved into the kitchen, using the flashlight on his phone as a light source to prevent turning on the main overhead lights. He searched throughout the kitchen in hopes of finding medicine and a glass of water. Eventually he was able to find what he was looking for after opening many different cabinets and drawers. He retuned to the living space in a hurry, making sure to not slip on the step down.

"So this happens a lot?" Hwanwoong's concern was evident in his voice as well as on his face.

"Yeah, I guess it kinda does." Seoho answered, looking at Keonhee with pitiful eyes. "After Keonhee spends a few days with his parents he tends to go out to drink to get his mind off of things. Which inevitably ends up with him being drunk, so when he comes back here he crashes hard. He's been relatively fine for the past couple months, hardly going out to drink or go to parties and whatnot. But it gets bad around the two month point, which is when his parents would be down his throat practically nonstop. So in turn he gets stressed, which is understandable until he comes home like this nearly every other night." He paused, letting out a tired breath. "To say the least this is the beginning of the cycle starting over."

Hwanwoong realized then that despite only being here a few days, he really knows nothing about these people he was living with. He simply thought Keonhee was always happy, even carefree, he never seemed stressed or the type to just recklessly get drunk.

"I'll take care of him, you can go back to bed." Seoho tiredly announced, reaching up and patting Hwanwoong on the shoulder.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind being out here to help." Hwanwoong was quick to offer, not moving from his spot.

"Yeah Hwanwoong, I'm sure." Seoho nodded his head reassuringly, a tired smile on his lips. "Keonhee's a clingy drunk, and he can get annoying fast if you don't know how to deal with him."

Hwanwoong turned around slowly, nodding his head. He made his way back to his bedroom door, turning the handle to enter.

"Wait, there's actually something you could do for me." Seoho called out, still in a relatively hushed tone to not wake anyone else.

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