23: Please Come Back

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"When did you do it?" Hwanwoong couldn't stop shaking, anger, sadness, disappointment, they all took over his system simultaneously.

"The day after you left." Seoho answered without hesitation, not being able to get himself to look in the shorters direction whatsoever.

"That's what that was then. Why I lost the marking." Hwanwoong muttered mainly to himself out of disbelief.

"It's kind of why I couldn't get myself to message you Hwanwoong. Not just because I knew you didn't want to talk to me, but making that decision was eating me up inside, and I couldn't think about talking to you while keeping it from you at the same time." Seoho explained cautiously, running his hands up and down his legs as a sign of nervousness.

"Leedo's text makes a bit more sense too." Hwanwoong muttered, turning to Seoho once more. "Cause Leedo was there, wasn't he? He watched you do it?"

"Leedo encouraged me to do it." Seoho restated, turning his head slightly to look at the shorter. "I was planning to get rid of the mirror regardless, which is why I took it to begin with. But after Leedo found out, he talked me into actually breaking the curse instead of just trying to get rid of the mirror."

"And when do you think he figured that plan out?" Hwanwoong questioned, feeling a bit betrayed.

"Oh...he knew that afternoon before you left." Seoho answered quietly, his leg now bouncing up and down repeatedly. "I know he went into our room when I went and got food that day, just from how my side of the room looked when I went in there myself. But he found my plans, the things written out and book on how to break the curse. I was surprised he didn't tell you, but then again, I think he was just trying to protect you at that time."

Hwanwoong was shaking his head out of disbelief. His tired mind was running on overdrive as he pieced together every bit of the puzzle, finally starting to see the entire picture put together.

"C-can he come back?" Hwanwoong just barely got himself to whisper.

Seoho tensed up.

"Hwanwoong...the chances of him coming back are next to nothing." Seoho shook his head as he explained. "I-if you want to have some kind of hope, Youngjo has a very slight chance of appearing within a fifty six day period, but I mean I broke the mirror twenty five days ago. Highest chances of him possibly returning was within the first week, and gets lower with each passing day. If you want to have hope, fine. But it would probably be better for you to start—"

"You killed him." Hwanwoong spat, his hands clenching into fists. That didn't stop them from shaking though. Tears pouring from his eyes with no sense of stopping soon.

The older seemed to of stopped breathing for a seconds, sitting so still he resembled a statue.

"If you want to think about it that way, then so be it. If you want to hate me then go ahead, I can't stop you nor do I blame you." Seoho sounded weak as he spoke, it seems like a sense of realization washed over him from Hwanwoong's words. "It won't bring him back though."

Hwanwoong turned his head, scoffing. He tried oh so hard to hide his sadness, but the only emotion he could get to cover it was anger.

"Don't play that fucking game with me." Hwanwoong managed to get out, sounding extremely hurt. "I loved him Seoho. Despite the things that happened, he made living here worth it."

A few seconds of silence filled the room.

"I'm sorry Hwanwoong." Seoho said before getting up and leaving the room without anything else being said. The older closed the door gently, leaving Hwanwoong alone to his thoughts.

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