26: In My World

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Hwanwoong stood completely frozen in place, unable to move, unable to tell what's real from what's fake. He couldn't believe his eyes, but didn't dare blink. He felt his heart beating out of his chest, air moving in and out of his lungs at an uneven pace. Throat closing up, making it even harder to breathe properly.

Snapping out of his trance just enough to move, Hwanwoong slowly entered into the living space, hands slightly shaking at his side, lips quivering.

He held eye contact with a taller figure. Who was once the boy in the mirror, was now standing before Hwanwoong in the flesh. Standing just as shocked, unable to believe his own eyes as well. Shakily, his lips turned upwards in a tight smile, looking more like a frown, especially with the glistening in his eyes.

Standing in the living space a few feet from each other, Hwanwoong realized that this was real. This wasn't some sick trick his mind was playing on him. He saw the rise and fall of the tallers chest and shoulders, the way the light hit his eyes in the appropriate manner, how imperfect his hair looked. The fact that he no longer wore what Hwanwoong always knew him in, instead standing in just a plain hoodie and pants.

Hwanwoong ran forwards, crashing into who was once the boy in the mirror. They both stumbled, but quickly regained their balance. Tears couldn't stop falling, not that either of them could even think about that at this point. Hwanwoong wrapped his arms around the taller, and actually hugged Youngjo. And no sooner did he feel arms wrap around him in the most protective, comforting, loving, and real hold. No tingly feeling followed, just the warmth of skin pressing against his.

"Your real. Your actually here." Hwanwoong forced out in a cry, forehead pressed against the tallers shoulder.

"I'm here." Youngjo responded just as weakly, sounding both happy and sad at the same time. "You must be so confused, but I promise this isn't your mind playing a trick on you. I don't know how, but somehow...I'm in your world."

Hwanwoong sniffled, hugging Youngjo even tighter. The taller retuned the action, so tight that it felt like bones would break at any given second, but neither of them wanted to let go.

"I thought you were gone for good." Hwanwoong's voice shook as he spoke, closing his eyes tight. "For two months I hoped you would come back to me. And I-you...."

Hwanwoong couldn't get himself to keep talking. Gently the hug parted, and they got a true look in each other's eyes, up close, without a barrier between them. No strange reflection, no strange coloration, nothing holding either of them back. Youngjo trailed a hand up, running it through Hwanwoong's hair. The other hand went to rub away the tears that ran down Hwanwoong's cheeks, cupping his face very delicately, as if he was afraid that he might possibly hurt the younger.

Hwanwoong lifted a hand, leaning into Youngjo's hand while holding the back of it as well. It felt like some twisted dream, to be held so gently by someone he never had the ability to touch before, reality hitting but seeming so fake at the same time. Hwanwoong had to keep telling himself that he wasn't dreaming, that this is in fact real, that he got his mirror-boy back, and even more than he ever imagined.

"Well I'm back now, and nothing is going to keep me away." Youngjo spoke lowly, in a very comforting and extremely protective manner. "It felt like an eternity being trapped in darkness, unable to move, think, or feel anything. Something kept me from slipping away permanently, I couldn't just accept that fate so easily."

A pause that lasted for a few seconds, but felt like minutes.

"It was you Woong. You were my driving force, each any every part of my body and soul fought to see you again." Youngjo took a shaky breath, running his hand through the youngers hair once again. "I love you Hwanwoong, more than you could ever know. Without you, I'd probably be less than a mere memory at this point."

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