16: Unexpected Encounter

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"What are you thinking about?" Hwanwoong muttered, looking into the dark mirror. He sat back on his bed, resting underneath the warm covers.

Ravn looked up, making eye contact. His expression seemed surprised, but he didn't say anything immediately. They sat next to one another in the reflection, it was hard to believe sometimes that they were still a whole world apart.

"I didn't realize you were awake." Ravn also kept his voice at a soft level, not that he entirely needed to. It could be said that he just picked it up from hearing Hwanwoong whisper so often.

The smaller hummed in an affirming manner, yet there was a subtle hint of questioning behind it as well. He checked his phone for the time, finding it to be about three in the morning.

"I just woke up." Hwanwoong responded with a yawn. He didn't know if he'd be able to go back to sleep at this point.

A moment of silence encompassed the two. For once it seemed like Hwanwoong was the one staring deeply at Ravn, and not the other way around. The boy in the mirror seemed conflicted, but didn't dare say anything relating to it.

"I don't know if you were concerned, or even knew if they were out, but Leedo and Xion came home." Ravn muttered, shifting around to rest against Hwanwoong's side. "I can't exactly tell time, so I don't know when exactly. But it was a while ago I think."

"O-oh thanks for telling me." Hwanwoong was kind of surprised to hear that. "That's a relief."

"How so?" Ravn had that edge in his voice, that tone on the verge of anger. But his facial features didn't change, still that blank look on his face.

Still, Hwanwoong tensed up. He tried to move around a little, but Ravn leaning against him kept him firmly in place. Hwanwoong was trapped, and with it being so late, or technically early, he knew he would have to keep things as civil as possible to avoid making any excessive amount of noise.

"Xion was basically missing for the afternoon, Leedo and I hadn't heard from him all day. But from my understanding Leedo found him and everything worked out okay." Hwanwoong explained delicately, fidgeting with his blanket. "I'll learn exactly what happened in the morning...or well later when everyone gets up since Leedo said they have some explaining to do."

Ravn hummed, his eyes turning into a slight glare. But before Hwanwoong could further question him, Ravn sat back with his eyes closed. When they reopened he seemed to be in a different mood, or at least not as angry as a moment before. He seemed highly conflicted, not exactly fidgety but he can't stay still. He held eye contact for a few moments before his eyes darted about seemingly nonstop.

"Are you okay Ravn?" Hwanwoong whispered, even quieter than before. He didn't know if the boy in the mirror was stable or not, meaning he didn't know if it was safe to ask questions or not. "You are kinda acting stranger than usual."

Ravn sat completely still, giving no form of answer. He just seemed to be spacing out, staring at Hwanwoong with a puzzling look. The pink-head didn't understand what was running though Ravn's head. And his own mind started to wake up fully, reminding him of all the things he wanted to talk about.

Hwanwoong sighed, lolling his head backwards to which it hit the wall with a pretty decent thud. At least that snapped Ravn out of his trance. The boy in the mirror looked around questioningly.

"You learned something else didn't you?" Hwanwoong muttered, not bothering to make eye contact at this point. "When you disappeared."

Slowly, Ravn nodded his head.

"I'm trying to—"

"I know, your trying to figure it out first." Hwanwoong grumbled, turning his gaze to his side, seeing thin air, before looking back into the mirror. "If you don't want to tell me then fine, but that doesn't mean that I won't eventually figure it out."

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