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Hello, and welcome to the Character Q&A, where the questions you readers asked will now be answered by the beloved characters. Please keep in mind that this chapter may be updated multiple times if more questions are received in the future. Another quick note, please bare with the organization for this chapter, as I wanted it to still keep to a story feeling while allowing the questions to be answered as directly as possible. Some formatting may of been changed from original comments, but the original meaning is absolutely still held, I hope those that left comments will not feel offended by this, as it was simply what worked for me. Please enjoy!

To Youngjo (Ravn):

"I know its tough being in the real world, but if you want help financially have you ever considered teaching art or doing art for people as a living?" Asked by AkaneKuchiki919.

"No that's not exactly something I've considered personally, but Hwanwoong has told me a few times that I should consider it. And actually...even the others mentioned that I should do it before everything happened." Youngjo answered with a smile, chucking a little to himself. "Not teaching I mean, but taking commissions and selling my art. I don't think I'd ever want to teach art...but I might consider selling it one day. But I'm just not too sure, since I really just make art for myself."


"Be honest Youngjo, have you not once peeked at Hwanwoong through the mirror when he got naked?" Asked by ravnpetals.

Youngjo snickered, shaking his head as he ran a hand down his face. A small half smile grew on his face.

"No, not once." Youngjo seemed to speak in a challenging yet very genuine tone. "I always respected his boundaries, and looking at him naked when he had no control of me being in the same room or me leaving, didn't seem like something I should do. Now sure, there were times where he caught me off guard and he'd pull his shirt off before I had enough time to look away, so I'd just barely see some skin before turning away. I just didn't want to make him uncomfortable in that sense, even when I had little to no control of myself towards the beginning."

There was a small pause as Youngjo chuckled.

"Sorry if that wasn't the answer you were expecting, but it's the truth."


"What do you work as?" Asked by mr-bass.

"I don't work actually." Youngjo scratched the back of his head as he spoke. "Not right now at least. I'll get a job eventually, but I still want to take things slow and figure out something that'll make me happy and work with Hwanwoong's schedule as well."

He bit his lip as he tried to recall some memories.

"Before everything happened I picked up random part-time jobs here and there, but nothing really stands out in my head right now." Youngjo continued with a scrunched up face since he genuenly couldn't think of any specific jobs he had, just knowing he had at least one at some point.


"What's your favorite food? You never mentioned anything about it." Asked by mr-bass.

"Umm, I'm not exactly sure I have a favorite food." Youngjo chuckled, looking off as he tried to think. "I don't know, maybe anything quick and cheap? But I tend to just eat whatever Hwanwoong has."


"What is the art piece you are the most proud of?" Asked by koriyo.

"Hmm, good question." Youngjo hummed as he started to think about everything he's ever created. He sighed before answering, "it's hard to pick just one if I'm being honest. There's some pieces I did before the whole mirror stuff that were obviously lost thanks to Seoho that I was pretty proud of, just kind of random things. But recently theres this one picture I drew of Hwanwoong that sticks out in my mind, well its actually multiple pictures since its rough sketches of him dancing. Then theres the group beach picture...but theres another one actually, and it isn't even my own, but I'm so proud of it. And that's Hwanwoong's drawing in my original sketchbook, I return to that page quite often cause it means so much to me."

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