19: On the Run

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Hwanwoong was lucky enough to grab his shoes before he ran out of the share-house. Running barefoot on cement wasn't exactly the most pleasing sensation. Not to mention it made him look crazier than he already did for running so fast. He wanted to make sure there was no chance that Seoho knew where he was going, if he happened to follow him out of the house, so this was his only option.

He felt bad for the look of confusion he left on the landlords face. Hwanwoong merely being able to quickly apologize and come up with an excuse for being extremely late for something before he took off past her.

It took a couple turns here and there through the familiar neighborhood for Hwanwoong to finally slow to a walk, catching his breath and cursing at the scars on his feet. He would check over his shoulder after each turn, his mind racing on to try and figure out where to go. Seoho knows his place of work, so it wouldn't be smart to go there if Seoho was that desperate to find him. But Hwanwoong never really hung out anywhere else, he didn't have any other safe places. Not to mention the consideration of finding a place with at least one mirror. A private one at that.

The pink-heads phone buzzed in his back pocket. With a great deal of urgency, he pulled out the device, finding it to be an incoming call from Keonhee.

He picked up without a second thought.

"Hey Keonhee, what's up?" Hwanwoong spoke as casually as he could manage. Looking around at random buildings he passed on the street, still continuing to walk along.

"Hey uh, Hwanwoong, are you okay?" Keonhee sounded very concerned through the phone, and Hwanwoong could only envision that same concern plastered on the tallers face.

"Umm..." Hwanwoong trailed off, truly not knowing if he should lie or tell the truth.

Keonhee sighed heavily, "I'm putting you on speaker."

"Hey Hwanwoong." It was Xion's voice, the general sounds of a semi-busy cafe being heard to some degree in the background.

"Hi." Was all the shorter could say, still having a debate in his head.

"Listen, I don't know if you realized it or not, but we saw you running." Keonhee cut straight to the point, voice stern out of care.

Hwanwoong paused, letting out a few noises to show his shock.

"Yeah you ran past the cafe we're at, and we happen to be by a window." Xion further explained, taking on a similar tone as the older. "We just wanted to make sure you were alright. I don't think I've ever seen you run like that before."

"On your hurt feet at that." Keonhee added, making Hwanwoong sigh in defeat.

"Oh well, I umm..." Hwanwoong was still trailing off looking around as if he would find his answer on a nearby building.

"Okay, so why don't you come here and get something to eat and drink. And maybe calm down a little?" Keonhee explained calmly, the great amount of care simply evident in his tone. "Then maybe you can explain to us why you were running?"

God...I can't get them wrapped up in this mess, it'll put them in danger. But there's a danger living around them already and they don't even realize it. What am I even supposed to do? To tell them or to not tell them. Ravn can you please maybe just give me a sigh? Tell me what I should do? Because I'm so lost.

A ringing in his ears snapped him out of his thoughts. It wasn't extremely loud or painful, just barely there but evident. It was something that let Hwanwoong know that Ravn was trying to get his attention. His timing oddly perfect as always.

Hwanwoong tried listening out for anything, but heard nothing other than ringing. He thought that he was too far away from a mirror. A proper mirror, not just something that merely showed a reflection.

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