20: Grief

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Keonhee had his hands around Hwanwoong's smaller form in no time, trapping the boy in a tight, comforting hug. Xion and Leedo could only offer their reassurance from across the table with their caring gazes. They merely watched as Hwanwoong stared at the table in front of him, tears falling out of his eyes. His completely silent cry was extremely nerve-wrecking.

"Hwanwoongie, what's wrong?" Keonhee whispered, his voice so light and caring in that moment. It was impossible to miss the worry in his words and on his features.

The shorter sniffled, bringing an arm up to his face as it scrunched up. He hid his features as he began to cry harder, releasing quiet sobs. He took comfort in Keonhee's hold, curling into the taller as well as bringing his feet up to rest on the edge of the booth.

"You don't have to tell us now." Leedo reassured, putting one of his feet out under the table to gently nudge the youngers foot. He only hoped it showed the shorter that he cares and is here for him.

"Yeah, we could go back to the share-house if it'll make you feel better." Xion offered lightheartedly, but earned immediate disapprovals from everyone else. "Okay...then do you want to go to a more private place?"

Again, Hwanwoong shook his head. Closing his eyes, he let his head fall onto Keonhee's shoulder.

"Woong, it'll be okay." Ravn's voice bounced around in Hwanwoong's head, somehow bringing a bit more reassurance than the boys physically around him. "I'm really sorry, it must be hard, but you really should explain to them. The sooner they know the sooner they can help you."

Sighing, Hwanwoong nodded his head. He didn't care if that looked weird, but in actuality none of the others questioned the movement since the shortest opened his eyes soon after to began talking.

"That was a friend of mine from my hometown, his name is Mingi, he's a year younger than me, not that that matters." Hwanwoong started to explain, sitting up to rest his elbows on the table. He trapped the back of his neck in his hands, practically face-first to the table in attempts to hide himself. "We were pretty close before I left, and I mean we are still close given the fact that we don't see each other anymore, but it's funny because he's even closer with my grandmother."

Hwanwoong paused because he let out another sob. And suddenly everyone understood where this was heading. The atmosphere around the four got filled with sadness almost in an instant.

"At least four times a week Mingi would visit with my grandma, help her around the house, help take care of her obscure amount of cats, get groceries, play her old-person games, or just spend time with her so she wouldn't feel as lonely without me there." Hwanwoong spoke reminiscently, running one of his hands through his hair. "He used to come over that often when I lived with her anyways, just so we could hangout, but it's just really nice to know that he hasn't changed his habits despite having his own life and friends and whatnot."

Hwanwoong knew he was dragging on his pointless story. He really didn't want to say anything aloud that would confirm anything at all. But he knew at this point there was no avoiding it, especially with the build-up he created. With a sigh, he continued.

"Well...Mingi was doing his usual trip today..." Despite thinking he could talk about it, Hwanwoong only got choked up again.

Keonhee's hand found Hwanwoong's back, and started rubbing it in big, slow circles. The reassuring action had Hwanwoong taking a few shaky breaths, his eyes closed tight.

"It's okay Woong." Ravn spoke again, somehow even softer. "You don't finish if it'll only hurt you more. I think they understand what you were getting at. Just know I'm here for you regardless."

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