Annie x reader (lemon)

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You grunt loudly as you get thrown to the ground for the eighth time in a row. Instead of getting up again like you've done all this time, you lay still and stare up at the sky sighing deeply. Reiner kneels down by your side and stares at you. "What was it that you were saying earlier?" He asks with a smug smile on his stupid face. "About how you could take me one on one?" Reiner laughs softly as he sees your neutral face shift into an annoyed one. He reaches his hand out to you to help you up, but you slap it away from you and get up yourself. You agressively wipe some dirt off your clothes and mutter some angry words. "Hey, don't get angry with me just because I proved you wrong. Maybe you just shouldn't brag about being able to do something you're not at all capable of." Reiner says as he crosses his arms.

You angrily flick your head in his direction. "No need to be a dick about it." You say softly. You wipe some loose strands of hair out of your face and take a deep breath. "I'm gonna quit. Good luck doing this shit on your own." You say as you walk away from Reiner. He opens his mouth to protest but you turn around and flip him off. "This whole hand to hand combat stuff is bullshit anyway. Annie has the right idea by skipping out on training." You say. Reiner closes his mouth and sighs. Then he shakes his head and turns around, looking for other cadets to train with. You walk to the edge of the training site and slump down to the ground. You lean your back against a tree and sigh deeply. It's not usual for you to slack off during training, but when you do, this is your go-to place. When you look between the trees you can see the nearby lake, it looks cool and sparkles in the bright sunlight. "It's been hot as shit lately, I should try to sneak off and take a swim sometime soon..." You think to yourself. As you stare at the shimmery surface of the water you suddenly see a blonde head of hair walking by through the greenery.

You smile and quietly stand up, sneaking closer to them. It could be only one person. You get close enough without being heard or spotted to be able to touch them. With a smirk you move your hand towards the person's head, trying to undo their hairdo. But before you're even able to do so, they turn around in a flash, grab you and pin you to a tree. "Don't you fucking dare." She says angrily. You smile cheekily as you look into the icy blue eyes of Annie Leonhart. She groans as she lets go of you. "Can't you just leave me alone? I don't know if you noticed in the past few months, but I am not one to like people very much." She says as she turns around and walks away.

You quickly follow Annie. "I noticed." You say as you catch up to her. "But it's simply too much fun to bother someone who makes such a big deal out of wanting to be left alone." Annie groans in annoyance, rolls her eyes and stops walking. She turns her head to look at you with a furious glare. "Can I ask you something?" You ask. Annie doesn't react in any way whatsoever. She just frowns at you. "Why do you skip out on hand to hand combat? You're great at it, I expected it'd be your favorite type of training." You say as you lean against a nearby tree trunk.

Annie sighs and leans against another trunk nearby. "Just because I'm good at something doesn't mean I like to do it..." She says. You look at Annie for a while. Taking in every detail of her face and body. You never noticed that she's actually quite pretty. Usually she never even makes eye contact, so it feels like you're finally seeing her for the first time. "What are you looking at? Stop being all creepy or I'm going to knock you the fuck out." She suddenly says, her voice full of aggravation.

You chuckle softly. "Please, show me how it's done." You say with a smirk. "I've seen you tackle Reiner as if it's nothing, I'd like to learn how to do that." You cross your arms and smile at the thought of finally being able to show that big blonde asshole that you can in fact take him one on one. Annie simply rolls her eyes again and walks away with a groan. You sigh, shake your head and follow her back to the training grounds. It's better to not be gone for too long. If Shadies notices that you're skipping out on training you'll be in a lot of trouble.

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