Pieck x reader (modern AU)

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"It's over... There's nowhere left to run!" You shout at the woman in front of you. Her back is turned to you as she stands on the edge of the cliff, her long black hair dancing in the wind. "Turn around and come back with me..." You say calmly. Slowly you raise your sword and point it at the woman. "Please, I don't want to have to use violence..."

The woman slowly raises her hands above her head and turns around. Her grey eyes look emotionless into yours. "So I either go back unharmed, or bleeding and covered in wounds... Are those really my only options?" She says softly. There's an intense silence for a while as the two of you stare into each other's eyes. Then a small smile appears on the woman's lips. "Because I'd prefer the secret third option." She lowers her arms and spreads them, her palms facing up to the dark, clouded sky. "Death." She says as she leans backwards and slowly starts to fall.

Just in time you lunge forward and grab the collar of her shirt, keeping her from plumeting to her death. "Are you insane?!" You shout. Again you stare into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, waiting for something to happen. You grunt and pull the woman back on top of the cliff, holding on to her tightly, preventing her from trying to jump off again. You feel a strange tingle in your stomache. It is a little off-putting, it confuses you. "You would really rather die than to simply follow your faith- no, wait... fate, damnit!" You throw your head back and groan as you just messed up a perfectly good scene.

"Don't worry about it, (y/n)." A voice from the audience says. You turn your head to the many red chairs in the theatre. Zeke the director and your fellow actors sit there, staring at you. "We'll take a break and then pick back up at the start of this scene. Make sure you're all back here and in place half an hour from now." Zeke says as he stands up.

You sigh and climb off the rock prop you and the black haired woman, Pieck Finger, are standing on. Two guys walk onto stage to help Pieck out of the harness she's wearing to prevent her from falling down should something go wrong during the scene. "Get it together, (y/n)..." You mutter as you walk off stage and make your way to the dressing rooms. "You got a big role, you know your lines and you know exactly what to do. Why do you keep messing up?!" You whisper as you flop down in your chair and drop the prop sword you're holding to the ground. You take a bottle of water out of your bag and take a few sips. It's not uncommon for you to mess up little things every now and then, it's been happening a lot the past few rehearsals. Usually you never mess up this often, this production is somehow different from all the others.

Then the door opens and Pieck walks in. She sighs in an overly dramatic way as she drops herself to the floor. There she lies still and stares up at the ceiling. "You really need to stop being so hard on yourself. Next time you mess up, accept it, pretend it was part of the show and carry on." She says softly. You don't react, you just keep drinking your water. Pieck takes the prop sword and sticks it in her armpit as if she has been stabbed with it. "Are you nervous or something?" She asks.

You shake your head. "I love being on stage, it's definitely not stage fright. This is the first time I'm struggling so much with a production." You say as you swing your legs up on the desk. You lean your head on your shoulder and look at Pieck poking at the sword. You take it in your hand and pull it out of her armpit. "Maybe I'm just not used to this type of role?" You mutter as you stare at the sword in your hand.

"And what do you mean by that?" Pieck pushes herself up from the floor and stands up. "A swordswoman? A badass? A lesbian?" With every word Pieck says her voice grows more and more dramatic. You just know she was an unbearably annoying theatre kid back in high school. But to be fair, you were too. Pieck then laughs and places a hand on your shoulder. "Don't tell me you're nervous because our characters have to kiss." She says.

You laugh and shake your head. "I've had my fair share of kiss scenes, nothing to be nervous about there." You smile and look at Pieck. "Don't worry, I'll brush my teeth before every show." You say jokingly.

Attack on titan x reader oneshotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu