Historia x reader (high shool AU)

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"Crap, shit, fuck..." You curse with every step you take down the stairs. You overslept again, nothing unfamiliar to you. But it'll never be fun to have to rush through your morning. You quickly grab an apple and stuff it in your mouth. "Mom, where are my shoes?" You ask with a full mouth while frantically running around. "Nevermind! Found them!" You shout as you suddenly spot your shoes.

Your mom is in the kitchen, calmly sipping on her coffee. "Honey, prom is coming up. Have any boys asked you to be their date yet?" She asks. She watches you struggle in the hallway as you try to frantically tie your shoe laces with one hand and brush your hair with the other. "Do I need to take you dress-shopping?"

You groan. "Mom, I told you, I'm not going to prom!" You say inbetween bites of your apple. "You know I don't like those kind of events." You say as you grab your coat and run into the kitchen. You kiss your mother's cheek and dash towards the front door. "Love ya!" You yell before closing the door behind you. You mom sighs and shakes her head as she continues to drink her coffee.

By some miracle you managed to get to school on time. Even before the bell rings you've already taken your usual seat in the back of the classroom by the window. Your stomache growls. No wonder, a single apple is not nearly enough breakfast. And in your rush you completely forgot to bring lunch. You sigh, but accept that this will be your fate today. "Alright, settle down everyone." Mr. Smith, your history teacher, walks into the classroom and signs everyone to be quiet. "Good morning, everyone. If you'd be so kind as to open your books on page-"

"Sorry! I'm late!" The door to the classroom flies open. A small blonde girl runs in, beads of sweat on her forehead and a red flush across her cheeks. Historia Reiss, your classmate. "I saw a family of ducks crossing the street on my way here. I decided to help them but I lost track of time." She says, sounding like she is out of breath. It's unlike Historia to be late for class, usually she's the perfect student.

"That's quite alright, Historia. Please, take a seat." Mr. Smith says as he gestures to an empty seat on the front row. Historia quickly sits down and grabs her book out of her bag. You look at the back of her blonde head and lean your head on your hand. Historia Reiss. A strange girl, really. A hard-working student. Always on time. Part of the popular girl's clique. Desired by every boy. Always happy. Yet she seems to be the only one who doesn't think she is perfect. "(Y/n)?" A voice suddenly says. You jerk your head up and look into the blue eyes of Mr. Smith. "Please pay attention to class, you can daydream in your spare time." He says. Some of your classmates start to laugh softly as you scramble to flip to the right page in your book.

Later that day during lunch you sit on the floor, back perched up against a wall. It's not like you need to sit at a table, you don't have any food. You just scroll through your phone and listen to the commotion all around you. Among all the voices you suddenly hear your classmate Reiner. You look up from your phone and look in his direction. "Come on Historia, why are you being so difficult?" Your eyes widen and you stand up. Only now that you're up on two feet can you see the tiny Historia next to Reiner. She looks very uncomfortable. "Why won't you go to prom with me?" Reiner asks.

Historia fiddles with her fingers and looks around nervously. She slowly takes little steps backwards until she hits a wall. "W-well... You see... I, uh..." She stammers half sentences, clearly extremely troubled by Reiner. Who either really doesn't understand why, or simply doesn't want to understand. "I-it's because... Because I..."

You quickly walk up to the trembling girl and wrap an arm around her, looking at Reiner with a somewhat cocky expression. "Because I already asked her." You say. It's a lie. But one that will hopefully keep Reiner at bay. "And she said yes." You say as you smile cheekily. Reiner looks from you to Historia and back. He looks just as confused as Historia.

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