Sasha x reader

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"Aaah, fuck!" You shout as you grind your teeth in pain. One of your squad members holds your hand and tries to keep a straight face as you nearly pulverize his fingers. Your whole leg is burning with pain. "Section commander, how much longer?" You ask with a trembling voice.

Hanji carefully removes little shards of broken ODM gear blade from your leg. "Just a few more. Please, don't move..." She mutters as she pulls out another little shard. "Okay, why don't you tell me how this happened? It'll distract you from the pain for a moment." Hanji says as she looks at you with a faint smile.

You groan in pain. "I saw someone getting grabbed by a titan, so I rushed in to save them. I succeeded, but it came at the cost of my fucking leg." You say as you squint your eyes shut. You take a deep breath and continue talking. "I believe it was that potato girl, Sasha Braus. We were cadets in the 104th training corps together." Hanji pulls the final piece of metal out of your leg and grabs some supplies to disinfect and bandage your wound. She signs for you to keep talking. "What else do I say? Ugh... Let's see... She was running from that titan on her horse but it caught up to her. She was nearly stuck between it's jaws. I arrived just in time." Hanji wraps up your leg, twisting the bandage around it countless times. "It scared me to see her like that. The absolute terror on her face... I really thought she was gonna die then and there." Hanji finishes wrapping up your leg and puts away her supplies. Your squad member lets go of your hand. "Thanks..." You say softly.

Hanji wipes some sweat off her brow. "Well, that should do it." She says as she sits down on the edge of your bed. "You need to stay in the infirmary so that I can keep a close eye on the wound. No moving or getting out of bed untill I say so, understood?" She asks sternly. She clearly cares about your wellbeing. You nod, non-verbaly telling her that you understand. "Good." She says with a smile as she stands up. "I'm going to get you something to eat. I'll be right back." And with that Hanji and your squad member leave the infirmary, leaving you behind all alone. You sigh and drop your head in your pillow.

In the mess hall the other soldiers have gathered for dinner. Some already sit at their tables while others are still waiting in line to pick up their food. Among them are your fellow cadets from the training corps. Hanji enters through the doors and joins the line of soldiers waiting for food. "I really need a good meal after that expedition. That was ridicilously tough to get through." Connie says, he sounds exhausted. He can barely keep his eyes open and he keeps nearly dozing off. Jean supports him, preventing him from falling to the floor. Everyone looks tired. Except for Sasha, who holds herself tightly with her arms and stares in front of her as if she's seen a ghost. "Hey, Sasha, you okay?" Connie asks.

Sasha turns her head towards her friend and sighs deeply. "I nearly died today..." She says softly. "I know that's what you can expect being a scout and all... But I really would have died if it hadn't been for (y/n), from the training corps." Sasha closes her eyes for a moment and shudders as she remembers how you screamed in agony as you got injured while fighting the titan that persued her. "I haven't seen her ever since that moment... I'm afraid she... That she gave her life for mine..." Sasha's voice is at the point of breaking.

Hanji, hearing this, quickly moves closer to Sasha. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear. (Y/n) isn't dead. She's in the infirmary right now." She says with a kind smile. Sasha's eyes light up as she hears this. "You can visit her whenever you like. The infirmary doors are open." Hanji says.

Sasha quickly darts away, a strange sight. Usually she'd be running towards wherever there's food. "Thanks for letting me know!" She shouts at Hanji before she leaves the mess hall. Her feet carry her as fast as she can throughout the hallways of the headquarters. She nearly crashes into the doors of the infirmary as she underestimated how much room she has to slow down. As she opens the doors and enters she looks around frantically to try and find you. "(Y/n)!" She shouts as she sees you, tears filling her eyes. Sasha dashes over to your bedside and nearly breaks down in tears. "Thank you so much for saving me! I thought you died! I really thought you gave your life for mine even when we don't even know each other that well!" She shouts inbetween sobs.

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