Hitch x reader

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You look around in awe as your carriage enters through the gate. Stohess district is every bit as beautiful as you imagined. The other districts adjacent to wall Sina are without a doubt just as beautiful, so you couldn't have cared less about in which district you'd end up. You ride up to the military police headquarters, pay your courier, take your suitcase and enter the building. Instantly you're met by a group of people who all wear the training corps insigna, two crossed swords, on their backs. You just know that every single one of them can't wait to replace those with the much desired unicorn insigna. "All that hard work finally paid off!" You whisper as you put your suitcase down and look around. All these people graduated top of their class, just like you.

"Allright, cadets. Quiet down and listen." A man enters the room with a piece of paper in his hands. "When I call out your name, please step forward. I'll then give you your keys to your rooms so you can dump your stuff there." He says. The man starts reading names off the paper in pairs. Everyone apparently has to share a room. As the number of people in the room dwindles, you start to notice that there's an odd number of people left. That means someone is either getting a room to their own, or three people will have to share one room. And as everyone is gone, only you remain. "(Y/n) (l/n)." The man says. You step towards him with your suitcase held tightly in your hand. "Seems we have an odd number of new recruits... Well, means you get your own room. Lucky you." He says as he tosses you the key. "Be back here in twenty minutes." He says before leaving the room.

Every new recruit in the hallway stares at you as you enter your room alone. They mutter words of jealousy to each other. You simply smirk and look around the room. "Nice..." You say as you dump your suitcase in a corner and walk up to the window. A great view of the city. It seems you got extremely lucky.

"Who's dick did you have to suck to get your own room?" A voice behind you suddenly says. You turn around and see a girl with light brown, almost blonde hair and playful green eyes standing in the door opening. She lets herself in and closes the door behind her. "Hitch Dreyse, nice to meet you." She says as she reaches her hand out to you. You shake her hand.

"(Y/n) (l/n)." You say. Hitch lets go off your hand and starts to walk around the room, inspecting it. "Is it a habit of yours to just walk into a stranger's room and accuse them of being a slut?" You ask as you lean on the windowsil. Hitch snickers softly as she opens the empty closet, but she doesn't respond. "And I didn't suck anyone's dick to get this room. I just got lucky." You say.

Hitch sighs. "Well, at least our rooms are practically the exact same." She mutters as she closes the closet doors. Then she turns around and walks towards you. "I have to share my room with the one girl who looks like she want to murder everyone around her just for existing." Hitch sighs and leans on the windowsil as well. She looks at you with an expression equally as playful as before. "Say, what would I need to do to make you switch rooms with me?" She asks.

You laugh and stomp her shoulder. "I'm not switching rooms with anyone!" You say. Then you hear many footsteps in the hallway all walking away. "Time to head back down." You say as you push yourself away from the windowsil, Hitch follows suit. Once back downstairs the man from before explains a couple of base rules and tells you what your responsibilities will be from now on. You lean closer to Hitch, who stands beside you. "Is it just me, or does he look as ugly as a titan?" You whisper softly.

Hitch snorts in laughter but quickly places a hand over her mouth. Luckily no one noticed. She leans closer to you with a wide grin. "I have never seen one, but I bet he's even uglier than a titan." She whispers. You exhale through your nose and try to suppress your laughter. Hitch has quickly become your favorite person here and you've only known her for twenty minutes.

You continue to listen to the man for a while untill he is done talking. You'll be sent on city patrol in small groups together with an older member of the brigade to get a feel for it. You and Hitch instantly take a hold of each other when you're assigned to form small groups. A boy named Marlo joins you too, apparently he is also already familliar with Hitch. "Alright, I'll take you three." Someone a few years older than you says as he steps towards you. "Come, grab a rifle and I'll show you around town."

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