Yelena x reader (coffee shop AU)

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As you sit in the bus and listen to your playlist, you scroll through the group chat of you and your colleagues. "Thanks again for taking my shift. I know today is actually your day off." One of them says. "I'll make it up to you asap."

You smile and start typing. "It's not a big deal. You need to focus on your finals and I didn't have anything better to do today anyway." You hit send and put away your phone as you look out the window of the bus. You work as a barista at a small coffee shop. The pay is decent, the colleagues fun and the customers are usually really friendly. You enjoy working there, it barely even feels like work and more like a hobby.

When your phone buzzes you look at your screen again. "Ooh! Does this mean that (y/n) is finally going to meet the tall blonde beauty?" One of your colleagues asks. They're already typing again. "(Y/n), this one really tall, blonde woman comes in every friday and gets a large black coffee. Always the same. She's stunningly beautiful, you'll know it when you see her. Let us know what you think of her!" They say.

You smile and send back a winking emoji. You've heard some things here and there about a tall blonde woman. But because she only ever comes in on fridays and you never work then, you've never actually seen her. "I wonder what's so interesting about her. We have a lot of customers who only come in on certain days, why would she stand out?" You think to yourself.

At the bus stop close to the coffee shop you get off the bus and calmly walk the last bit of the way. You feel your phone buzzing one more time. Again a message in the group chat. "Wish someone was there to see (y/n)'s reaction. Unfortunately she'll be all alone today." You sigh and put your phone away. It's too bad that you'll be all alone today, the job isn't nearly as fun without colleagues. With a sigh you enter the coffee shop to take over for the people who worked the morning shift.

Not much later you stand behind the counter, waiting for customers. It's a slow day, there have only been a handful of people so far. You sigh and turn on the fan standing next to you, it's a really hot day. Slowly but surely you're starting to regret taking your colleague's shift. "This tall, blonde lady better be worth it..." You mutter as you close your eyes and let the cool air coming from the fan blow away some of the sweat on your face and neck. Then the bell above the door rings as another customer enters. You turn away from the fan and smile kindly at the door. "Good afternoon!" You say with a smile.

Your eyes widen a little as you see the customer. This must be the woman your colleagues are so obsessed with. She's even taller than you imagined. She has a well kept blonde bop and striking grey eyes which look at you from underneath her straight bangs. As she walks over to you, a small smile slowly appears on her lips. By the time she stands in front of you, you have to look up to meet her eyes. "I'd ask for the usual, but I have never seen you here before. Are you new?" She asks. Her voice is calm and smooth. She tilts her head a little to look at your name tag. "(Y/n), nice name..." She says softly.

You clear your throat and continue to smile kindly at her. "I've worked here for quite some time, I just usually don't work on fridays. What can I do for you today?" You ask.

The woman smiles. "A large black coffee, please." She says as she hands you the exact amount of money needed to buy said beverage. It's clear that she comes here often if she knows exactly how much she needs to pay. You take the money, put it in the cash register and get started on the coffee. While you grind some fresh beans, the woman leans on the counter and looks at you. "I thought I knew everyone here. It's a bit of a surprise to see someone new, especially since you apparently have been working here for quite some time already." She says.

You look up from the coffee grinder and flash a quick smile at the woman. "This may be the first time I see you, but I've heard quite a lot about you already." You say. The woman raises an eyebrow. "My colleagues are rather fond of you. Even so, they call you the tall blonde lady. Apparently you know them all by name, yet you have never given any of them your name. You have made quite the impression on them." You say as you continue to make her coffee.

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