Vampire Marco x reader (modern AU)

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Body frozen. Mind empty. Mouth dry. Eyes full of tears. Staring at the motionless body in front of you. "Marco..." Sirens blaring. Red and blue lights flashing. Tires coming to a screeching halt. Policemen and ambulance workers running up to you. Finding the motionless body in front of you. "Marco..." Slumped over. Eyes dull. Blood everywhere. A chunk of flesh ripped straight out of his neck. The motionless body in front of you. "Marco..."

It seems as if only minutes later you're being dropped off at your place by the police. "Take it easy for a couple of days. What you saw can't have been easy on you." One of the policemen says before driving off. You enter your appartment and slowly make your way to your bed. There you collapse and break down into tears. The horrifying image of your friend's dead body haunts your every thought. Just half an hour before you found him in that alleyway, you were still dancing and laughing with him. Enjoying life to the fullest. Tears stream down your cheeks and loud sobs sound throughout your empty room. Your chest heaves up and down spastically as you have trouble fixing your irregular breathing. Every now and then you feel like you're choking on your tears and gasp for air. You are a shaking, sobbing, emotional mess. But how could you be anything else in this moment?

A week passed since your fun night out with friends turned into a nightmare. Marco's body was examined to determine how he died. The newspapers were full of disturbing headlines once the results of the examination were made public. "Young man found dead with bitemarks on his neck." "Young man murdered by cannibal." "Cannibal murders young man with a bite to the neck." You tried to avoid any and all news regarding Marco's death. But once something becomes international news, it's hard to ignore it. Luckily Marco's funeral was quiet. Only his family and friends were present. News reporters, photographers and other nosy people were kept outside by security.

You sigh and sit down on your bed. Just an hour ago you said goodbye to your friend before his coffin was lowered into the ground. After a short time of getting lost in thoughts, you get up and walk to the bathroom. You throw your black dress on the ground and step into the shower. "I don't ever want to wear that thing again..." You mutter. The black dress you wore to Marco's funeral is a special one. You bought it with the intention of wearing it on your first date with Marco. You wanted to try and see if you two could work as a couple. But unfortunately you had to cancel and said date never happened. "I just wish you could have seen me wearing it once..." You mutter as you try to suppress more tears.

After a long and relaxing shower you throw on your pyjamas, take some snacks from the kitchen and lay down on your bed. You put on a movie on your laptop and get comfortable underneath the blanket. But you can't even get past the first few minutes without falling asleep. Today was very emotionally draining for you. It's not untill much later that you wake up by the sound of something tapping on your window. You open your eyes and look around. "(Y/n)...!" You can hear a voice saying from outside your window.

"Marco...?!" You say as you think to recognize your friend's voice. Confused and a little scared you get out of bed and look at your window. Again there's tapping. You can't see anything because your curtains are shut. Slowly you make your way over to the window and open the curtains. There's no one there. You shake your head and sigh. "How could anyone be at the window... They'd have to climb up multiple floors..." You mutter. It must have been your imagination. You open the window and take a deep breath of fresh air as you close your eyes. Thinking it might help you calm down a little.

But when you open your eyes again you look into two familliar eyes. You shriek in surprise and fall over backwards. The person by your window climbs inside and quickly closes the window and curtains behind him. "Ssh! It's okay, it's just me!" The person says. You scoot backwards over the floor untill your back hits the bed. "Please, don't be scared!" The person says as he kneels down by you.

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