Zeke x reader

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As you sit in front of the campfire, surrounded by nothing but towering trees, you recall how you even ended up in this situation. First you were a run-of-the-mill scout, devoted to the cause and your commander. Went on a mission to reclaim Shinganshina district. Was one of only two soldiers to survive the beast titan's onslaught. Continued life as a scout, determined to keep fighting for your home land. But now not fuled by the will to defeat the titans, but the unrelenting urge to take revenge on the one responsible for murdering all your comrades and friends. The very person you were tasked to keep an eye on, seated right across from you. Zeke fucking Jaeger.

"You know, I bet you would look a little less ugly if you stopped frowning for once." Zeke suddenly says. You snap out of your thoughts and grind your teeth as you see his disgusting face appear from behind his book. The flames reflecting in his glasses make it hard to see his exact expression, but you just know that he is frowning as well. "Why of all people did it have to be you and Levi I'm stuck with..." Zeke mutters as he returns his attention to his book.

"You have only yourself to blame for that, you asshole." You say as your hands start shaking. Zeke looks up at you, unimpressed as always. "We had plently of capable soldiers. Plenty of people qualified enough to keep watch over your pathetic ass. But you killed all of them and left only me alive." You say. Your voice slowly grows louder and louder as the faces of everyone you've lost flash by in your mind. "I bet you wish you could finish what you started at Shinganshina. I bet you want me dead as well. I bet that if we were in any other situation than this one, you'd be itching to kill me without a second thought!" You say.

Zeke lowers his book and stares at you with eyes devoid of any emotion. "Correct." He says. His voice sounds calm. Too calm. Infuriatingly calm for a dirty friend-killing monster. You grab one of your blades and leap over the campfire, ready to chop his ugly head off right here and now. But just as you are about to swing your blade down, someone witholds you from doing so by grabbing your arm. You look to your side and see the grey eyes of captain Levi. He has a strong grip on your arm and slowly moves it away from Zeke. He may not speak, but in his eyes you can see exactly what he tries to tell you. You sigh, straighten your posture and put away your blade. "Thank you, Levi. I appreciate it." Zeke says. He has already returned his attention to his book as if nothing happened.

"Shut up." Levi says. Cold and sternly. His hand in still on your arm as he pulls you away from the campfire. When you've walked a short distance away from the light of the fire you come to a stop. "I get it." Levi says softly. "I want him dead as much as you do. But we can't act on impulses and emotions. There are too many forces at play and too many risks." He says as he looks back at the campfire where Zeke continues to peacefully read. "Besides, if anyone gets to kill him, it's me." Levi mutters. You sigh as you recall the last thing Levi ever promised commander Erwin. That he would kill the beast titan. You wouldn't dare to interfere with that, so you must stay put. "Either way, it's late. I'll watch over him the rest of the night, you can go to sleep." Levi eventually says.

Together you walk back to the campfire. Levi sits down across from Zeke. And you walk over to one of the tents to go to bed. "Good night, captain." You mutter softly. Levi nods in response. "I hope you choke on your pillow tonight." You say as you flick your gaze to Zeke. He simply responds by flipping you off. You return the gesture before dissapearing in the tent.

This is how most days go by. Endlessly watching Zeke, trying to resist the urge to kill him and trying your very best to not let his words get to you. Sometimes something interesting will happen. Like a mysterious crate of wine being delivered. All the soldiers drank from it with great pleasure, happy to finally have something fun to do in these woods. All except you, Levi and Zeke. You need to stay alert at all times so you can't allow yourself to be distracted by stupid pleasures like alcohol. "Wouldn't you like some as well?" Zeke asks you. You don't react. You're too tired. Levi is in his tent to catch his usual three hours of sleep, leaving you to watch over Zeke alone. High above your heads you can hear your fellow tipsy soldiers singing and laughing in the trees. "You of all people seem like you need to loosen up a little. Even more so than Levi." Zeke says.

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