Connie x reader

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"Come on, you can hit me harder!" Connie says as he raises his fists and playfully jabs at you. You wipe some hair out of your face, spit on the ground and raise your fists again. "Hit me!" Connie says with a stupidly wide grin on his face. You swing your fist and try your very best to show him what you're made of. Caught off-guard by your suddenly increased agression, Connie loses his balance as you hit him and he falls to the ground.

You smile, put your hand on your hip and look at the stumped boy on the ground in front of you. "You're right, I can hit you harder!" You say jokingly. With a soft chuckle you reach out your hand and help Connie up. He laughs softly and wraps an arm around you. "Don't let your guard down next time, I'm not going easy on you just because I like you." You say.

Connie chuckles as he rubs his knuckles over your head, ruining your hair. "That's what I like about you, stinky. I simply had to snatch your fierce little ass up before Jean got a chance." He says. You laugh and roughly push Connie away from you. "Let's get some more training in, we don't want commander Hanji to think we're slacking off. We have an important mission coming up after all." Connie says with a sigh.

"Or worse, captain Levi thinks we're slacking off." You say with a sigh as you get back in postion. Connie and you continue to practice hand to hand combat while you remember how you two got together. It happened really quickly. It was an exciting day for everyone, graduating from the training corps and choosing your place in the military. You chose the survey corps without a doubt in the world. Learning that the whole world wants you and everyone within the walls dead was reason enough to make that decision. Fighting the enemy head on simply feels like the right thing to do in that situation.

"Welcome, new reqruits!" Commander Hanji said with a wide grin on her face as she looked upon you and the other freshly graduated cadets. "We have been low on soldiers for quite some time now, so it is wonderful to see that so many of you have made the choice to join this regiment!" Hanji said as she put her hands on her hips. "I hope you're all as excited as we are to get to know each other! So let's not waste any time, grab some gear and get to the training grounds!" Hanji made a big gesture with her arms and pointed at captain Levi standing next to a stack of gear.

Your first ever workout as a scout did not go as smoothly as you had hoped. Some cocky red haired asshole named Floch Forster slammed into you in the middle of a flawless maneuver. After a lot of yelling and screaming at each other you almost got into a fist fight with him. If it wasn't for Jean and Connie pulling you apart, his face would have gotten up close and personal with your knuckles. "Yo, Floch, maybe not pick fights with the new reqruits?" Jean said as he pulled the red haired asshole away from you. "And you, getting into fights is no way to behave. I should know, Eren and I fought many times and it was honestly just a waste of time."

"Teaching this bitch to not mess with me won't be a waste of time! Let me at him!" You shouted as you kicked your legs up, trying to hit Floch in the crotch. You heard Connie, who was holding onto you from behind, chuckle at your remark. "Come on, I bet I can take him easily!" You said as you threw your head back in annoyance.

Connie turned you around and looked you straight in the eye. "I'd like to believe you and I'd love to see you do it. But I have to be responsible here and tell you to refrain from beating his ugly face into a pulp." He said with a smile. He tilted his head a little as he eyed you up and down. "What's your name? I want to get to know you better." He said with a smirk. "Want to grab a bite with me tonight?"

Grabbing that bite never happened as Floch snitched on you and you recieved punishment from captain Levi. You did however get to know Connie better. Your punishment was to clean all the gear and wash all the uniforms. Connie offered to oversee you instead of Levi so he could help Hanji with her paperwork. Levi accepted this offer, and you're glad he did. Because cleaning wasn't the only thing you and Connie did that evening. Within 24 hours of first meeting each other, you fell for each other, made out like animals and got together. "We'll have to grab a bite some other time." You remember saying.

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