Mikasa x reader

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You had always liked her. Ever since first seeing her in the training corps. The countless nights you spent thinking about her. The countless times you fought Jean over who she'd rather date. The countless heartbreaks you endured whenever she made it clear that she cared only about Eren. All those countless little things eventually lead to a single moment. The moment she told you she loved you. All those years ago you couldn't possibly have known it would end up this way. You couldn't have know that you'd find yourself in the situation you find yourself in right now. Holding her, as she cries many silent tears of pain. In your arms. Not Eren's. Not Jean's. Yours. "(Y/n)..."

You stroke Mikasa's hair as she softly sobs. "It'll be okay..." You whisper. "I'm always going to be there for you..." You place a soft kiss on her head and rub her back for comfort. Mikasa rarely ever shows emotions like these to anyone except Eren. But now that he has dissapeared, it is you she comes to. You sigh and hold Mikasa a little closer as you think of Eren. He just up and left one day. Everyone suspects he went to Marley, but to follow him without a plan would be suicide. You don't dare speak his name around Mikasa, fearing it'll only make her cry even more. So all you can do is whisper words of comfort and hold her lovingly.

The door to the girls' room opens and you look up. "Can I enter?" The familliar voice of Armin asks as he pops his head through the crack of the door.

"Armin... Mikasa, Sasha and I are the only ones who sleep here. You're our friend, you don't need explicit permission to enter. Besides, I asked you to come here, didn't I?" You say with a kind smile. Armin smiles back and opens the door fully. He steps inside with a kettle of tea and two cups in his hands. He puts the cups down on your nightstand and fills them with tea. You wrap your blanket around Mikasa and hand her one of the two cups. "Here, it'll help." You say with a soothing tone of voice.

Mikasa takes the cup out of your hands and places her lips on the rim to take small sips. "Thank you, Armin." She says softly. She forces a little smile on her face, but her voice sounds broken. No wonder, she's been crying for over an hour.

Armin smiles warmly at Mikasa. Then he hands you the second cup of tea. "I'll leave you two alone. Call me if you need anything." He says before leaving the room. As the door closes behind him you're left in complete silence. The only sounds are a few soft sniffles from Mikasa.

"Why did he leave, (y/n)?" Mikasa asks softly. You hold your breath for a moment. She's talking about Eren. You're not sure what to say. You have avoided this subject at all costs, you're not prepared to talk about this. While frantically thinking of how to reply, Mikasa looks at you with bloodshot eyes. Eventually she sighs. "Nevermind..." She says. "I shouldn't turn my emotions into your problem..."

Mikasa moves the cup of tea up to her lips to take another sip. But you take her face in both hands and look her straight in the eye. "Hey, don't you dare think that your emotions are a burden to me!" You say. Mikasa's eyes widen a little. "What Eren did was shitty, and you are allowed to be upset about that. And I'll be here to comfort you whenever you do feel upset. And if Eren ever shows his face around here again I'll give him a piece of my mind!" You say.

Mikasa closes her eyes and more tears start to flow. But not tears of sadness this time. Because there is a wide smile on her face and she even laughs softly inbetween sobs. "What the hell did I ever do to deserve a girlfriend like you?" She asks as she opens her eyes again. Mikasa takes a deep breath, puts her cup of tea down and embraces you. "I love you..." She whispers.

"I love you too..." You say as you rub Mikasa's back and hold her close. You feel more hot tears falling onto your back, but you don't care. If this is what Mikasa needs right now, then that's exactly what you'll provide. "Do you need anything?" You ask softly as Mikasa calms down a little. She lets go of you and shrugs as she wipes her face dry with the palm of her hand. Then her stomach suddenly growls. "Food, got it." You say as you stand up. "Stay here, I'll ask Armin if he can get us anything."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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