halloween pranks

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~Gryffindor common room~

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~Gryffindor common room~

September had now disappeared. The leaves were turning crisp and brown by the second, ready to float off the tree branches. The wind became sharper and cooler and it had begun to rain more frequently, covering up the bright sun with the dim, grey rain clouds.

It was well into October now; in fact, it was nearly Halloween: a traditional holiday for the Marauders. Everything would be planned perfectly; every minor detail of the famous Halloween pranks and parties would be flawless.

This year was no different.

It was a week before the end of October and the Marauders were already planning the many pranks they will pull on Halloween and discussing the party they will throw in the Room of Requirement.

Naturally, the four mischievous boys were in the common room late at night, sorting each little detail.

"So, Moony," James said pointing to him, "you will be in charge of drinks. We want firewhisky, butterbeers, shots, the lot." He listed them on his fingers.

"And where will I get all of this?" He asked.

"Hogsmede, of course. And take Wormy with you. You can get the food while you're there, Wormtail." James ordered, "Anything yummy you can find."

"And what will you and Pads be doing? Nothing stupid I hope." Peter quizzed.

"They're always stupid." Remus mumbled, reading his book, not bothering with this particular Marauders meeting as it was similar to the rest of them.

Sirius scoffed.

"Erm, no. I'm offended you think so little of us, Moony. Padfoot and I will be fixing up the Room of Requirement and inviting the adoring guests." James exclaimed.

"And plan some pranks that we'll be able to pull." Sirius added.

"You really do have this sorted, don't you?" Remus said, slightly worried yet proud.

"Never underestimate me, Moony." James winked.


It was Friday, the morning of Halloween, and all was quiet.

Isabel, Lily, Mary and Marlene made their way to breakfast, preparing themselves to be met with four troublesome boys and their crazy pranks.

"What are you all dressing up as up tonight?" Lily wondered.

"I'm going as Stevie nicks. The ultimate lesbian crush." Marlene gushed.

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