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~Hospital Wing~

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~Hospital Wing~

Sirius woke up to hearing someone shuffling on the hospital floor. He peeled his eyes open to see his best mate come into view.


He was staring at Sirius' forehead, which thanks to Isabel was healing nicely. He had a few little butterfly stitches taped to his wound to stop any incoming infections. Sirius still had several faint scratches on his face, but other than that he was okay.

Snoring loudly, Remus rested on a bed next to where Sirius lay. Peter sat in a chair next to Remus, unharmed.

James' hair was ruffled up more than usual and he managed to get away with small scratches on his face and neck. His glasses were somehow broken: a large crack through the glass and the left arm bent slightly.

"What time is it?" Sirius asked groggily, sitting up on the hospital bed.

"Seven twenty in the morning." Madame Promfrey spoke as she appeared out of nowhere, "Now, Mr Black, drink this." She ordered him, placing a bottle of something on the table next to him.

Sirius grabbed the bottle and sipped it, immediately spitting it out, accidentally all over James. Sirius wiped his mouth and made a face, scrunching up his nose, squeezing his eyes shut and sticking out his tongue in disgust.

"Ew, Padfoot! That's twice someone has spat on me!" James remembered Charlie spitting on him at platform 9 & 3/4 as he wiped his face with his sleeve.

Peter giggled, "Who else spat on you?"

"Izzy was holding Charlie Weasley on the platform and he was blowing raspberries at me." James huffed.

Sirius laughed at the memory.

"Mr Black, I thought I told you to swallow it, not spit it all over Mr Potter!" Poppy scolded.

"Sorry, Poppy," she frowned at the nickname, "but it tastes awful. Are you sure I need to drink all of it?" He asked with an innocent smile, trying to get away with not consuming it.

"You're not going to get any better if you don't drink it." She told him sternly.

Sirius decided to chug the whole thing, not wanting to suffer with its taste any longer.

"Anyway," James started as Madam Pomfrey began to clean and heal some of Remus' injuries, "Poppy said Izzy brought you here?"

Sirius' eyes widened as he remembered that he and Isabel had discussed Remus' lycanthropy, "Yes she did. She healed the scratch on my forehead." He explained, his hand brushing the wound as he did so.

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