you know, feminism!

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~Gryffindor common room~

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~Gryffindor common room~

It's the day before the first Hogsmeade trip of the year and all the students were buzzing.

Currently, classes were finished and dinner was soon to begin, Lily was in the library with Mary, Alice and Dorcas; Isabel and Marlene were in their dorm; the Marauders were somewhere, doing Godric knows what.

Walking down the stairs, Isabel and Marlene entered the common room to find Remus relaxing in his chair, reading.

"Hey, Remus, where are the rest of the boys?" Marlene asked the boy.

"Somewhere upstairs." He mumbled, not overly interested where or what his mates were doing.

"What are you reading, Rem?" Isabel questioned.

"I'm re-reading Little Women. I've always loved this book."

"That's so feminine of you, Remus." Marlene grinned, happily.

"Well, Jo is an amazing feminine icon, no?"

"She's pretty cool." Isabel agreed, "I love her dynamic with Laurie, it's so interesting."

"Yeah, she doesn't need no man!" Marlene sassed as Remus laughed.

James popped his head around the corner of the boys stairs, "Why are we yelling?" He called as Sirius pushed him to walk down the stairs, Peter following.

"Oh, nothing. Just Remus being an absolute feminist." Marlene spoke, tilting her head towards Remus.

"He's reading Little Women," Isabel smiled.

James fake snored, "Hmm, boring." He said in a sing-song voice.

"Books have more personality than you, Jamie." Isabel shot at her brother.

Before James could reply, Sirius began to speak, "I have an idea!" He exclaimed to the group.

"Oh, no." Marlene groaned.

"That's never good." Remus sighed, closing his book.

"Us boys will allow Belle and Marls to dress us up in skirts or dresses." Sirius suggested, although it came across as more of a demand than a suggestion.

Isabel and Marlene looked at each other and laughed.

"Why?" Remus squinted his eyes, thinking it was one of Sirius' weirdest idea yet.

"Well, why not? One, it'll prove that women are equal to men, showing our support. Two, it can be like a protest, right?" Everyone looked at Sirius in confusion, "You know, feminism! And three, I'll look amazing."

The two girls looked at each other again, having the same idea before they both shouted in a sing-song voice, "Makeup!"


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