best year yet

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~Hogwarts, the Great Hall~

Home Sirius thought happily, glad to not be living with his parents screeching at him every two seconds. He would be having the time of his life with his friends, not caring about the consequences of his actions. We're going to make this the best year yet.

After a long train ride, they were all home.

Walking into the Great Hall with her friends, Isabel couldn't help but gaze at the beautiful bewitched ceiling. Swirling stars mixing perfectly into the navy sky; shining bright enough to be visible. Everlasting candles floating underneath the almost midnight sky. The warm, glowing flames clashing slightly with the brighter, more blue-like stars but somehow working in perfect harmony. The warmth of the flames brought joy to Isabel, shivers running through her body.

If Isabel took her eyes off the magical ceiling and turned to her right, she would see Sirius smiling at her.

He looked down at her and smiled; not a smirk. A Sirius smile. He felt the corners of his lips turn upwards uncontrollably while he stared at her eyes that were scanning over the millions of luminous stars, twinkling under the hundreds of students entering.

Arriving at the Gryffindor table, the eight teenagers sat down, ready for the nervous first years to be sorted into their own houses.

Peter sat down first, eager for the feast to start. Isabel didn't blame him, the house elves did create the most magnificent food she'd ever had the pleasure to eat.

Lily sat next to Peter, James swiftly following but not pestering her. Isabel could see Lily's lips turn upwards. The plan must be starting to work already.

Marlene sat opposite Lily next to Remus and Mary, who were opposite Peter.

Isabel soon followed the rest, sitting in front of her brother next to Sirius and Marlene.

She so desperately wanted to talk to Sirius without all their friends around to ensure he was alright. To ask him how his summer was. Make sure his mother wasn't too harsh.

Soon enough, the grand doors opened, revealing the Marauders' favourite teacher, Professor McGonagall, followed by the first years who looked both nervous and excited.

Isabel half felt reminiscent to the time her and James got sorted six years ago.

"Potter, James."  Professor McGonagall called.

James looked at Isabel, smiled, and strutted up to the hat, confidently taking a seat.

The hat was placed on his head and didn't even need to think about its decision, "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat roared, gaining a rumble of claps from the table and a groan from the Slytherin table.

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