amortentia and quidditch

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~Dungeons, potions class~

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~Dungeons, potions class~

"Amortentia!" Slughorn exclaimed, happily, "The most powerful love potion in the world; also considered highly dangerous. This certain potion causes powerful infatuation or obsession to the drinker. The liquid smells different to each person according to what attracts them." He clapped his hands together, "Now, with the person sitting next to you, turn to chapter nine and gather the ingredients to create this concoction. You may begin."

Remus looked over at his partner Isabel; they sit next to each other in most lessons they have together, knowing they will not get distracted by each other and will help each other study.

"I'll go get the ingredients." He said, walking into the cupboard, after taking a quick glance at the instructions.

Isabel set up the caldron before he returned with the ingredients.

"What do we need first?"

"'Add one drop of the Ashwinder egg into the caldron,'" She read, "'along with a handful of rose thorns.'"

He collected the specific items as she read them out handing the egg to her while he added the thorns.

"'Add Moonstone and stir your mixture.'"

Remus grabbed the stick to stir the mixture while Isabel stood on her tiptoes to see the full view of their work.

"It seems to be turning the right colour." Isabel observed the potion which seemed to be a watered down colour of what it was supposed to be, glancing at Remus who was smiling at her.

After a few more minutes and a few more added ingredients, the colour became more vibrant and the two knew it was perfect.

"We did it!" Isabel smiled, high-fiving Remus.

"Sure did." He smiled back.

Isabel took a look around the dark room: Lily and Mary leaned over to take a look at their brewing potion, Marlene taking the lead in showing Peter how to create the potion, and finally James and Sirius together, fiddling with the ingredients, looking like they were actually trying their best for once.

Sirius looked up to see Isabel staring at the two. He waved dramatically and smiled at her making her laugh in return.

The two had sorted out whatever last night was rather quickly, only clearing up that Regulus needs just as much help and attention as Sirius. Sirius agreed as he missed having normal conversations with his brother rather than passing awkward smiles through the corridors.

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