puppy love

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~The Black Lake~

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~The Black Lake~

As the Potter twins' birthday was in the middle of the week, the marauders and co decided to celebrate their seventeenth by spending the weekend having a long relaxing time together in the beautiful outdoors of Hogwarts castle near the lake.

"It's a really nice day." Lily hummed, sighing contently after taking a breath.

"It is." Marlene agreed, "These types of days are always my favourite."

The sky's were blue, only a few white fluffy clouds in sight. A soft, warm breeze through the crisp cool air ran past the eight Gryffindors. Little white snowdrop flowers blossoming through the slight crispy shards of grass.

Spring had officially arrived.

James picked a white snowdrop out of the grass, twirling it around between his fingers.

He half smiled as an idea popped in his head.

Stretching his hand out, still holding the daisy between his forefinger and thumb, he reached across from his sister, "Here, Flower." He spoke softly.

Lily stopped herself from writing in her journal as she looked up to see James Potter's toothy grin holding a daisy to her.

"Take it." he whispered, almost vulnerable like.

Lily slowly realised a smile graced her pink lips as she went to grab the daisy from his hand before he pulled back slightly, "Wait." he whispered, moving closer to Lily.

He brushed some ginger hair behind her ears tucking the daisy there as well, "Pretty." James smiled before returning back to Sirius.

Eyes wide, Isabel, Mary and Marlene turned to Lily, who had now gone as red as her hair, speechless.

"Wow," Marlene breathed, "how romantic, Jamie."

"Very." his sister smirked at him, nudging him with her elbow.

"Shut up." Lily muttered, a smile still plastered on her lips as she looked down returning to write in her journal again. No doubt about what just happened to her.

Remus grinned widely at Lily as he grabbed a piece of chocolate from Peter who was passing a bar around the group.

"Hey, why don't we go for a swim?" Sirius suggested, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.

Mary turned towards him, a serious look on her face, "Black, it's not summer just yet. We'll freeze."

"I'll warm up the water." He said, standing up as he took his wand out of his man bun, letting his hair fall close to his shoulders. Isabel starring at him.

James looked up at him, pushing his glasses up his nose as he did, "Sure. Who's coming? Moony?"

Remus glanced at him worriedly. He'd never shown anyone but James, Sirius and Peter his scarred body and felt uncomfortable thinking about having to take off his top in front of his closest friends. Sirius saw his hesitation and flickered his wand towards the werewolf, muttering a spell. Sirius winked at the boy as he felt his skin tighten slightly. He himself had to use this spell on his own body.

"C'mon then." Sirius held both his hands out to Isabel, helping her stand. Peter, Marlene, Mary and Lily followed as Remus was left to briefly look under his shirt too see his scars disappeared. "One second. You go on." Sirius told Isabel, letting go of her hand and jogging back to Remus, "It'll only last an hour but I didn't want you to be lonely and I—"

Sirius was cut off by a tight hug from his taller friend, "you really are the best, Sirius." He smiled to him as they broke apart.

"C'mon, Moony, Padfoot!" James cupped his hands around his mouth to shout at the as he walked backwards towards the lake.

"We need your warming spell for the water, Pads!" Peter couldn't wait to get in the water.

"Coming!" Sirius shouted back in the same way, "C'mon, Moons." He smiled widely, happy and relieved that his best friend can comfortably join them in the water.

After casting the spell in a calmer part of the lake, surrounded by some tall trees away from disturbing any of the creatures in the deeper parts, Sirius jumped in first with a splash. Then James, of course.

The girls went in together holding hands as Remus quickly snapped a picture on Lily's camera before going in himself.

Peter practically ran in.

"Really wish I had a swim suit on now." Lily squealed as Marlene splashed her, "Who's idea was it to jump in with our clothes on?"

"At least it's not our school robes, Flower." Remus over exaggerated the nickname making Lily splash him with water.

"Shush, Rem."

Sirius watched Isabel as her nose scrunched watching her friends have a mini water fight until she caught his eye.

A wide grin formed on his face when she swam towards him.

What?" Isabel laughed.

Water droplets from her hair fell down her face. Her eyelashes clumped, freckles standing out on her pale skin.

Sirius just smiled, "Nothing, you look cute."

Isabel blushed and hid her face in her hands, shaking her head slightly. Slowly, Sirius swam closer towards her and removed her hands from her face. She looked at him confused until he learned in and kissed her.

His soft lips brushing against her own.

After a few moments when she kissed back, Sirius pulled her closer, wrapping his hand around her waist and the other gently caressing her cheek. Surprised, Isabel wrapped her hands around his neck as her eyes closed, her long lashes brushing against his soft skin. His hand that was placed on her cheek moved to the back of her neck, still kissing her sweetly. Isabel could feel her heart racing, as if it'll explode any minute. She felt all her senses and awareness disappear; she doesn't want it to end. Sirius sighed happily into the kiss. Like Isabel, his heart was thumping fast.

The moment, however, was ruined when two mischievous boys had noticed them.

"And they called it puppy loooveeee!" James and Remus belted out at the top of their lungs before laughing so hard making Marlene turn her head to spot her best friend and Sirius' first kiss, making her squeal happily. Lily just splashed the two boys, causing them to fight back once again.

Sirius sighed again, but this time annoyed at his mates. He broke the kiss, leaning his forehead on Isabel's, their noses brushing against each other, their hands intertwined.

Sirius let go of her hand for a second and stuck his middle finger up at his mates, leaning in to kiss Isabel again. She smiled into the kiss.

"I've wanted to do that for ages." He mumbled, his lips still on Isabel's.

"Do what?" She said breaking this kiss, "Kiss me or swear at those two?"

"Both." He chuckled, leaning in, kissing her again, slowly whispering against her soft lips, "I really, really like you, Belle. And it's taken me way too long to do something about it."

"I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner." She whispered back, kissing him softly, once more.

"Mine." He spoke, brushing a piece of her hair away from her face, his lips so close to touching hers.

"Yours." She whispered into his lips.

A/N: hi, it's been a while and i apologise. anyways, this is the chapter that started off the whole book. the idea i adored from the beginning which motivated me to write the whole story. (james and remus' interruption to the thing you have all been waiting for!) i really hope you enjoy this chapter as much as i do as it is my favourite! thankyou for your patience, reads, votes and comments.
i love you all and hope you are all safe x

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