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~Gryffindor common room~

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~Gryffindor common room~

An early Sunday, twelfth of December and Isabel is in the common room, a warm woollen blanket tightly wrapped around her shoulders, sitting on her legs as she sat somewhat comfortably the sofa, quill and parchment in hand.

As it was early, Isabel was able to write to the Weasley family as it was their middle son's fourth birthday.

Isabel decided to get Charlie a Marvel comic book that contained Thor and Loki which were his two favourite characters, other than Bucky Barnes. Isabel understood his love for Loki and Bucky. Along with the present, she wrote a letter in her small, neat handwriting:

"Happy birthday, Charlie boy!
I can't wait to see you over the Christmas holidays so I can give you lots of hugs and kisses and give you your present. Only joking, I've sent you your present along with this letter. I hope you love it.
I miss you lots.
Lots of love, Isabel (and James)"

Sighing contently, Isabel re-read the letter once again. She wanted to keep it as simple as possible due to the fact Charlie was only turning four and was very hyper for a child his age. She couldn't imagine how poor Arthur and Molly handle him all the time, along with Bill and Percy whom both seemed to be less wild than Charlie.

"What are you doing?" A low voice startled her reading.

She turned around meeting Sirius Black's eyes, "You should really announce yourself when you walk into a room, y'know? Maybe I should get you a collar with a bell on it for Christmas." She joked, turning back to her letter.

"Oh, shut up." He laughed sitting next to her, taking a look at the comic on the table, not yet wrapped.

"Why are you up so early?" Isabel asked, turning to face him, sitting cross-legged.

Sirius sighed, "Another nightmare." He mumbled, "But it wasn't as bad as usual. Afterwards, I couldn't sleep, so I came down here."

"You okay?" She put her hand on his knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.

"Yeah, just don't exactly want to go home for Christmas."

"You don't have to. Stay here or our house. I promise you that you won't be intruding on anything. You and the boys are staying after Christmas anyway, right?"

"I can't. You know I can't leave Reg."

"Bring him then, Sirius, please. I just want you both to be safe." She looked down.

"Hey," he placed his thumb under her chin, gently lifting her head up, meeting each other's eyes, "Belle, it's not your job to worry about me, okay? We'll be fine."

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