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~Hogwarts Express~

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~Hogwarts Express~

"So," Lily began, "what happened?"

"I fucked off."

The Christmas holidays were now over and the group of friends were reunited, sat in the same iconic compartment as always, on their way to Hogwarts.

Each of them were buzzing to hear how Sirius escaped his cruel family to then live at the Potters, happy that he was now free and safe.

Marlene's eyes went wide as her jaw dropped expecting Sirius to be more dramatic about the situation, "Yes, we know that much, idiot."

"What Marlene means is," Mary cleared her throat, "when and how?"

Sirius began to explain each detail, leaving out certain gory things he only felt safe to tell the Potters. James and Isabel managed to add little details but wanting to let Sirius explain his experience.

To everyone's surprise, he wasn't being dramatic at all.

Arriving at school, Sirius sighed happily, staring at the castle. Everything in his life was finally going the way he wanted. He had a loving family and was back in school with his best friends.

"Race you!" James shouted to Sirius over his shoulder as he ran towards the carriages, Sirius swiftly following behind.

"C'mon, Pete!"


During the day, Dumbledore welcomed the students back with a lovely speech also welcoming the new year, 1977.

After unpacking their trunks into their forms, black took over the light blue sky, bright specks appearing throughout the large navy canvas of the sky.

The Marauders were found doing what they do best: pranking the Slytherins.

"Hurry up, Padfoot." Remus hissed as he popped his head out from under the invisibility cloak, still keeping his long body covered.

The four boys were currently in the Slytherin common room as the Slytherins were either in their dorms or in the Great hall. They wanted to play another one of their famous pranks on them. A way to say 'Happy New Year, snakes.' The Marauders have played a prank of them each New Year and they wonder how the Slytherins don't always expect it anymore. James believed they were so stuck up and busy with their blood prejudice they didn't even notice or remember getting pranked everyday. Or just don't care anymore; though only a small amount of them really take it to their cold hearts, leaving them embarrassed and practically scarred for life.

"Calm down, Moons." James whispered, waving his wand to create a bunch of snakes in a basket.

"Padfoot!" Remus whisper shouted, glancing at his friend who was hanging from the ceiling.

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