bad moon rising

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~Girls dorms~

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~Girls dorms~

It's been a few weeks since Sirius' birthday and everyone was sort of doing their own things at the moment.

Isabel and Remus had been studying as usual, but since there was a full moon coming up she decided to let him sleep most days this week. Instead, she was usually studying or reading in the library  with Lily while Mary and Marlene gossiped.

The two girls decided to finish studying and made their way to their dorm to chill and get ready for their dinner.

That was until Marlene barged her way into their shared room, Mary holding her shoulders to steady herself.

"I have a huge problem!" Marlene said to the girls, "I don't know what's wrong with me, my heart beats faster and I get sweaty and a bit dizzy and I-"

"Woah Marley!" Isabel interrupted, setting her book down, "What are you talking about?"

"Are you ill?" Mary added.

"I don't think so?" Marlene said slowly.

"So, you don't need Madam Pomfrey?" Lily tried to confirm.

Marlene shook her head.

"Then what's up, Marls?" Isabel asked, closing her book and setting it aside.

Marlene fell onto Isabel's bed, staring at the ceiling for a moment and groaned, "I might, maybe, just slightly, be crushing on someone." Saying the sentence as slowly as possible, trying to convince herself that she is actually romantically interested in someone for reasons other than just pleasure.

"I've been meaning to ask you about this since Sirius' birthday but I thought it was just a phase." Isabel spoke.

Lily sat on the edge of Isabel's bed by Marlene and put her hand on her arm, "You can tell us, Marley. We'll help you."

"Dorcas. She is the only person that makes me nervous to be around. And she is perfect. I hate feeling like this." Marlene explained to the girls who smiled at her.

"Finally!" Mary cheered, "Someone who has melted Marlene McKinnon's heart." 

Marlene laughed under her breath, grateful for her friends. She pulled them of them in a hug. "And, I think the only reason you hate it right now is because you are in this awkward stage where you want to be with her but you are trying to accept your feelings towards her."

"What do you want to do about it, Marley?" Isabel asked, pulling away from the hug.

Marlene thought for a second, "I don't really know. I've never, you know, dated anyone properly before. Sirius was the closet I've come to actually going out with someone. I don't know how to be so committed to one person, if I'm honest."

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