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Magnus Rivers

Alexander's House

3 weeks later

One more week, one more fucking week and I can actually see Alexander.  When I am turning 18, I am going straight to Alexander's and no one can say shit.  Just one more fucking week.  I was sitting down at the lunch table with Ryder and Maya. 

"So, is anyone actually going to Arianna's birthday party?" Maya asked taking a drink of her water.  I looked down.  Everything with Airanna has blow over.  My dad paid the school lodes of money to get that shit off my back and Alexander just made sure his princess got what she wanted.

"I wasn't invited.  Plus I am kind avoiding the Black's household." I said.  I looked at Ryder and he understands why.  Maya doesn't and I want to keep it that way. 

"Don't you and Master Black have a little affair going on?" I snapped my head at her and her smile soon dropped.  She was joking.  Shit.  "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"Don't tell anyone, me and him are no long doing things." The thought of that.  I took a deep breath and looked ahead.  Alexander was walking with the principle, I took a deep breath and looked at Ryder. 

"Go get your man's." Ryder tried to hype me up.  I looked at Alexander and he spot me.  We stare at each other and my body was wanting to be closer to him.

"Where is Arianna?" I asked both of them.  Maya looks at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"I think she went home sick." I looked back at Alexander.  He whispered something his the Principal and walked away.  I followed him.  When I saw Alexander walk out of the school, I stopped and wondered if I should keep going. 

I kept walking and soon I got outside.  When I turn to my left, no one was there but when I turn back around, Alexander was right behind me.  I jumped and took a step back. 

"Alexander..." he looks good, but his eyes tell a different story.  They seem so much happier when he saw me. God damn.

"I just had to see you." Alexander whispered, I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.  He gave me a hug back and even started rubbing the back of my neck.  "I can't stay long."

"I know...just right now-"

"Right now I need to leave." There he goes again with being a asshole.  I pushed him back and he looked at me.  "I need to leave."

"Let me come with you."

"No, we need to stay away from e-"

"I'm not staying away from you." I told him.  He gave me his angry face but I wasn't scared.  I want him and right now he's acting like he doesn't want me.  "Did I do something?"

"Yes Magnus, you did do something.  I was perfectly ok with my life back when I first met you.  I had a kid, a wife.  No one was suspicious about my sexuality." I looked at him.  I could tell Alexander wasn't done but I felt my whole world begin to crash down.  " did something to me that I throught no one could ever do."

"So you blame me for that?"

"I blame you for letting me fall for you." I was shocked.  Alexander was looking at me and he took a deep breath before walking closer to me.  I looked up at his eyes as he grabbed my hips.

That kiss was the more passionate than any other kiss I have ever got.  The way that Alexander grabbed me, the way my mind isn't even thinking of the way I am touching Alexander.  But soon I felt Alexander's hands slip away slowly.

"Please stay away from me."

"No.  You can't just say you are falling for me and just walk away." Alexander stayed quiet.  I kept my hands under his blazer but I could tell Alexander was paying attention to that more right now.

"You are 17.  I am 42.  This isn't going to work."

"Let's make it work.  I know both of us has the strength and power.  I understand you and my father's past is messy but don't let this be messy." Alexander looked down with a smirk and I put my forhead on his so we are looking at each other.

"This? What is this?  What have we been doing the pass 3 months?  We both also know that this wasn't supposed to happen."

"But it did, it did and now it's to late to turn back.  You can't just up and leave. We need to stay and fix this."

"I'm not willing to.  If I'm not willing to than there isn't nothing you can do."  Alexander said.  He is really giving up on us.  I looked up and saw that he was thinking. 

"Please Alexander." I begged but all I got was a quick kiss and than he turn around to walk away.  I waited for him to turn back around.  I turn back around and saw Ryder with he door open.  He just heard all of that.  "Wanna skip?"

"I want to go talk to my father." If I have learn anything from these last 3 months, to get power you need to kill what is tearing you apart.  Ryder was walking right next to me after I walked out the doors.  No one said anything. 

"Magnus, think about this."

"My father has spend my whole 18 years of living making my life a living hell.  He's going to continue making my life a living hell until the day he dies." I walked closer to the car.  Ryder gave up and drove me to my house.

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