|Rengoku x Reader| Golden Flowers

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SPOILER WARNING!! for those who haven't read the manga and those who haven't seen the movies 

A/n: Lemme just drop this here before I disappear from the face of the world :P


Your mother always told you her stories of her past romance like a twisted version of a bedtime story, no not twisted, realistic, she reminds you everytime. You lay on her thighs every night as she lulled you to sleep with her breathless voice.

"Love is like a beautiful flower. The idea and the image of it is beautiful. A beautiful mirage. It will soon wilt and the petals fall and crush to the ground as time goes on," she looks down on you with those hollowed and empty eyes that seemed to follow you in your nightmares.

You blinked up at her groggily. Those words was in no way comforting enough to put you to sleep, you learned in the future when you had stepped out of the house as a proper woman, perhaps it was your mothers voice.

She sounded so.. Tired. In your childhood, she always had that low melancholic voice, barely even a whisper at times. Maybe it was the reason that the house felt like a house of souls, silent, cold and sad.

For a second, something flashed in your mother's eyes that you couldn't quite figure out. That vacant look in her face as she stared at you disappeared for a moment before she replaced it with a stretch of her lips, a smile? You hesitated to call it that.

"Don't worry, my dear. My love for you and your father has not wilted. You will soon find someone you love that you can never stray away from, something sort of a flower made of indestructible diamonds?"

She chuckled lightly, which you could only let our a sleepy hum.

She was trying to comfort and reassure you with those words, but it didn't seem like she believed those words that came out of her mouth, perhaps she had only said it to convince herself more than you.

The day after that, you had expected everything to repeat once again as it always did. You go through the morning with only your mother by your side, after your father left the house without a word, the day ends, and she will tell sweet nothings in your ear.

But it was then that you met life and warmth enter the walls of your household. It was as if everything you believed your world to be was sent ablaze and enveloped every inch of it with red dancing flames.

What more bizarre about that flame was that it didn't hurt you by even a pinch.

Instead it was welcoming, and you wanted to walk towards it without ever turning back to look behind the melted ice trail that dripped off your heart.

And so you did.

He welcomed you with open arms and a heart ablaze and before you knew it. He became a part of your world.

And in your world, it was just you and your husband.

From then on, you grew to learn what love meant and it was the most alien thing you had ever encountered in your life, but with him by your side it felt almost natural.

Like you were born in this world to feel what he had given you all this time.

It had come to an end.

That was what you had first thought the moment you faced the day without his arms around you while he fans your shoulder with his warm breath. Warm and alive.

With Kyojorou's work there are days where you felt lonely in the house you shared many heartfelt moments in. But it had never took this long for him to find his way to you.

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, then winter came.

Oh how you wished to face your mother's dull eyes again and cry to her with emotions you never felt in that cold house.

She was terribly wrong. Your mother was wrong about everything she taught about love. Your parents was a result of the winter, an avalanche of snow coming to cover the fields of colorful flowers with its cold entirety. Their hearts were enveloped in freezing glaciers.

But you could say to her and prove to her that love wasn't like that at all and you wish you could tell her that before she passed.

Every years with Kyojurou was spring and summer. The fields of flowers bloomed with bright colors that would soon pass and wilt as what your mother thought it would.

However it never did and never will it be.

Winter came and passed and the flowers never wilted or broke apart. They were like flowers akin to Kyojurou's heart.

Golden flowers

The very same one he had gave you on your first ever anniversary after a year of a love filled matrimony.

You brought it up your chest as you heaved for air, tears dropped and made patches on the snow, your throat left to nothing but an aching muscle, hoarse and filled with freezing cold. Your knees felt like it was prickled by millions of needles, melted snow seeping through the fabrics of your clothes.

From the blurred images of the world around you, you could barely see the last breath of warm air that escaped your blue lips before you fell on the ground, right next your lover's grave.

There you lay beside him, grasping on the evergreen life of a flower frozen in golden times, the symbol of a never ending feeling of warmth and life.

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