|Rengoku x reader|My dearest

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Requested by: funkopop19
You watered the plants in the Rengoku Residence, anxiously waiting for your husband to return from his mission. You've been together for years now yet, you still get worried he might never come back.

You went to the entrance of the estate and saw Senjurou sweeping the leaves into a pile. "Senjurou-kun can you help me prepare lunch inside?" You asked, standing under the door way. He placed the broom on the wall making it lean.

"Of course, y/n-nee san" he went inside as you stayed outside for a minute thinking Kyojurou might come any minute now.

You sighed and went inside, preparing lunch with Senjurou. As you set down the bowls and plates, you asked Senjurou to call his father from his room.

Kyojurou decided you stay for a few days with his father and little brother last week, he reasoned that he haven't seen them in a while. But yesterday, early in the morning, he was called for a mission which is totally fine since it is his job.

You hoped he would return safe and sound and be on time for the summer festival and the fireworks downtown. You were hoping to spend the festival with him but if he wouldn't make it, there will always be next year, right?

Everyone was seated on the table, eating silently because of Kyojurou's absence. Their father looked tired and grumpy as always. You turned your attentin to Senjurou who looked a bit sad his brother couldn't join for lunch.

An idea came into your head, you hoped it would cheer him up a bit. "Would you like to go to the Summer festival downtown, Senjurou?" You asked the boy.

You saw his eyes lit as soon as you asked, he was probably waiting for you to ask him that. "I would love to y/n-nee san!" He exclaimed, earning a look from his father. He immediately shuts his mouth, not wanting to anger his father "you should leave the couples alone, Senjurou it's their wedding anniversary" he scolded as Senjurou looked down sadly at his plate.

"It's alright, father. I'm sure Kyojurou wouldn't mind, I don't mind it either. Come with me Senjurou we can wait for your brother at the festival later." you sent Senjurou a reassuring smile while his father stayed silent and continued to eat. You respect their father alright, but sometimes, he just treats his sons too harsh, it kind of made you upset.

When Kyojurou introduced you to his family, their father was a bit impressed saying 'you are a suitable woman for this one right here. A kind and gentle woman like you should be able to control Kyojurou's loud and obnoxious personality' he grumbled.

You know you couldn't stay mad at him for insulting Kyojurou, he is still his father that he needs to be respected. After lunch, you cleaned up and went to yours and kyojurou's shared room.

It was now 6 in the evening, the sun has completely hid itself yet Kyojurou still haven't returned making you worry as you fixed your yukata. You put your hair into a bun and holding it in place with a hair pin which was a gift from Kyojurou.

You exit your room and was greeted by Senjurou, wearing his yukata smiling excitedly. "Let's go" you slipped on your sandals and walked out with Senjurou.

When you arrived at the town, you immediately felt the festive vibe around. There were pretty lanterns hanging from post to post, food stands, mask stores and games, people smiling and enjoying the festival.

Senjurou looked happy as you walked by the stores smelling the aromas of food coming from the stands.

"Senjurou-kun, what do you want to eat?" Senjurou looked at you happily and searched the area. Then his eyes settled on one stand "there, I would like a grilled squid please" he pointed at stands and asked bashfully.

You chuckled and went to the stand asking for two grilled squids. As you ate your squids, the street dancing started causing you to cheer loudly like the other people around.

Gosh if your mother saw you acting not so appropriately, she would lecture you for hours, but she's not here right now. Your eyes caught a store selling masks so you turned to Senjurou "I want to buy those mask, you want one?".

"I don't know, y/n-nee san. You're spending too much money for me I should use my saved money" he looked down to his fiddling fingers. "Oh nonsense let me treat you for once" you dragged him across the stand and bought two masks. His fox mask were designed with red streaks and yours were designed with sakura flowers.

You covered you face with the mask, facing Senjurou finding him also wearing the mask. You both laughed at each other and suddenly you felt someone watching you from behind. You slowly turned around lowering the mask.

Your heart fastened it's paced as you see your husband standing proud and well, watching you both with a smile. You ran to him, happy to see him again as you jumped into his arms. "Kyojurou! I'm so glad you're safe.." you felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

Yesterday he warned you that he was going to a more deadly mission because he will be dealing with a stronger demon than the others he fought before. He warned he might not come back alive which made you shiver down your bones.

He hugged you back, spinning you around and laughing. His laughs always sounded blissful in your ears and combined with his fiery eyes, you were bound to fall in love with him. The moment you saw him, you knew you were helpless.

"I couldn't leave you behind, love" he stopped spinning you and placed his forehead on yours. "You look beautiful tonight, love" he complimented kissing you on the cheek. Your heart swarmed wih warmth as he holds you.

You studied his face, running your finger to his bandaged eye. "What happened?" He smiled at you reassuringly and pulled away. "I won but it wasn't easy" your mood dropped a bit, frowning you turned away.

"You should take a rest, Kyojurou. Let's go home" you suggested, trying not to show your disappointment. "I don't want to, it's still our anniversary, love. Let's enjoy this together to celebrate another year of our marriage!" He lifts you up, causing you to yelp in surprise.

He placed you on his broad shoulder carrying you to God knows where. You suddenly remembered Senjurou "Kyojurou, your brother!" You exclaimed in worry. Oh no what if he lost his way?

"Don't worry he's focused on a game back in the town" he continued walk, then he jumped high making you shriek. "Kyojurou!" You smacked his back which he ony responded with a loud laugh.

You finally put you don't and saw the scenery unfold in front of you. You were probably on top of a tower becuase you saw the glowing lights of the lanterns and the roofs of many houses.

"Why did you take me here?"

"Just watch"

You were about to ask him again but you heard a loud boom in the sky. You turned to look and was fascinated by the glowing and colorful lights of the fireworks. A smile spread on your face as you watched happily.

Kyojurou turned to your smiling face as you focused your attention to the fireworks. He started thinking to himself. The gods has sent me a wonderful gift, a beautiful, kind, gentle and a wise woman just for me.

You turned your head to him staring at you lovingly. "Hm?" You tilted your head in question. "Happy anniversary, love" he smiled and leaned in for a kiss which you gladly returned. He pulled away and whispered in your ear. "I love you, my dearest y/n"

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