|Uzui x reader| Lucky

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Requested by my bassfren, Agatha dearest.
I placed the last bowl on the table and walked to the garden. I heard wood smacking together, shouts of encouragement and heavy breathing outside.

"That's right, S/n! You're doing it flamboyantly! Keep going!"

"Roger that dad!"

I got closer to the garden, hearing the shouts more clearly, they're being so loud! "Boys! Keep it down will ya!" I scolded, causing them to freeze their training and turned to me.

"Breakfast is ready, come on inside" I ordered, which our son followed obediently. I turned to Uzui, seeing the proud grin on his face. "What?" I asked him, raising one of my eyebrows.

"He's learning fast" he stated, walking to me. He held my waist and pulled me closer, our face inches apart. "Want to make another one?" He whispered seductively.

I scoffed and pushed him away "you stink" I teased, honestly he always smelled good. I walked away, leaving him there. I heard fast footsteps behind me so I decided to fasten my pace.

Until I eventually ran, trying to get away from him but he was fast, a lot faster than me. He grabbed me by the waist, hugging me from behind. I laughed and turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck "I'm proud of him" I stated proudly.

He nodded in agreement, before stealing a quick kiss from me. I rolled my eyes and let go, walking to the kitchen. We've been married for years now but he still make my heart pound out of my chest.

We sitted around the table and said our thanks before diggin in. "How's your training, s/n?" I turned to him smiling. His eyes lit up, an excited grin on his lips, looking similar to his father's grin.

"Dad said I'm doing flamboyantly! He's currently teaching me about the breathing techniques! someday, I'll become the most flamboyant demon slayer there is!" He exclaimed confidently, flexing here and there.

Oh no another troublemaker in the making. He even starting to copy his dad's way of talking. The whole breakfast, s/n talked about how much he learned.

What's more cuter than a 7 year old boy who's talking about new things he learned? Because to me this brings joy to my heart.

After breakfast, they went back to training. Uzui and I talked about our son joining the demon corps. We want to raise him ready so that he can survive being a demon slayer. He adores one demon slayer who is his inspiration to train harder.

I heard an eager knock from the door at the entrance. Then came another knock. Then another. I threw the blanket I was holding back to the basket, and marched to the door. "Coming, goddammit!" I exclaimed.

I opened the door, revealing a couple in front of me. "Oh Tanjirou, Kanao. What are doing here?come in" I made way for them to enter.

Tanjirou smiled and entered, holding Kanao's hand. Ah young love. "We just finished a mission from the north, we decided to stop by on the way home" he explained.

I heat up the kettle and prepared tea for them. "you've been busy, you never got to visit s/n for a while" I turned to him, placing down the tea on the table. "Yeah, I needed to work harder to become a Hashira".

"How is being a Hashira, Kanao?" I asked, sipping on the tea. "It's hard, but I'm kind of getting the hang of my busy schedule" while she explained I noticed a shining thing on her finger. Is that a ring?

My eye widened and covered my mouth with my hands, "oh my! He finally proposed?!" I squealed and hugged her. She laughed and hugged me back. I feel so happy for her, I knew someday they would end up together, even when they were still teens. I heard rushed footsteps coming towards us. "What happened?" Uzui asked, alerted.

"Oh, Tanjirou, my man!" He hugged Tanjirou a bit tight and obnoxiously smacks his back. Tanjirou looked pained, I had to pull Uzui away from him. "Uzui, Dear, please don't kill him with a broken back" I laughed, grabbing a hold of his arm.

"Dad? Mom? What happened?" s/n asked, walking in the living room. His eyes immediately settled on Tanjirou, a smile suddenly on his face.

"Tanjirou-san!" He exclaimed running into Tanjirou's arms. Tanjirou spinned him around laughing. That one demon slayer he adores so much is Tanjirou. "Hey kiddo! You've grown!" He placed him down and patted his head.

They chatted excitedly until s/n dragged him to the graden, probably asking him to train with him. Uzui went after then, leaving me and Kanao behind to chat about random things.

We watched then from the porch, sipping on tea. "Y/n-san, can you give tips about this pregnancy thing?"she blurted out all of a sudden. I whipped my head to her, surprised. "Are you pregnant?" I asked excitedly, but lowering my voice.

She nodded, showing a little smile. I chuckled, "psh good luck, it's going to hurt like shi- crap when you give birth" I turned to her, almost laughing at her terrified expression.

I placed my hand on top of hers to comfort her. "Don't worry, during birth, I know Tanjirou will be there holding your hand and supporting you like what Uzui did" I turned to the boys having a shouting match.

"Everything will be worth it. All the hardship that you will endure for nine months, will all be worth it when you see your child. It's like the rainbow after the rain. I'm sure during those 9 months, Tanjirou will help you and say encouraging words to you".

She looked at me and thanked me before changing the topic. After a few hours, they decided it was time they go home. S/n was a little sad but Tanjirou promised him, he'll be coming back soon.

I tucked s/n into bed, trying to calm his excitement after what happened today. "Don't exhaust yourself, s/n. Take a break if I tell you so, okay?" I looked at him, worried.

"Okay mom, goodnight" he sat up and kissed my cheeks. I smiled at him and turned off the lamp, closing the door.

I then went to mine and Uzui's room. I saw him standing by the door to the garden, "hey handsome~" I called, causing him to turn around, a smirk playing on his lips. "Don't do that, y/n or I might not hold myself together" he warned, crossing his arms around his chest, his muscles being flexed non voluntarily.

Damn, how did I even get so lucky to have this gorgeous specimen? I felt bold all of a sudden, slowly untying the ribbon of my kimono, staring deep into his eyes.

"Then don't" I dropped my kimono on the ground, mentally preparing myself for a night of a lifetime. He smirked and slowly walked towards me. "As you wish". He carried me off my feet and laid me down to the futon, starting to kiss me passionately.

(I ain't making smut, sorry peeps)

I woke up early, deciding to stay down for a while, needing more sleep. I turned sideways an saw Uzui's sleeping face, his usual energetic and determined face relaxed. I love seeing this sight everyday, though it was immediately ruined by his loud snoring.

I chuckled and slapped his face softly, knowing that he's only pretending to sleep. "Wake up, I know you're already awake".

He smiles and opened his eyes, pulling me by the waist. He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and hugged me. Huh, morning cuddles, just like I wanted. That night was definitely one of the best nights I had. We cuddled for a while before deciding to get up and wear some clothes.

While changing, I felt his eyes on my stomach. He walked to me and traced the scar on my lower abdomen, a big scar.

"It was painful memory, wasn't it?" He asked, running his fingers on the scar. "Terrifying" I added.

"But I don't regret any of it. This scar brought him out of the world, this is a sign that I would risk my life for him no matter how painful it might be. All the pain I endured was all worth it, he is a golden child of ours. Someday he'll have his own adventure and story to tell, he won't be needing us anymore that it scares me" I smiled at him as he stared at me. "You are the bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl in the world" he complimented.

I scoffed at him "in the whole world?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Uh huh. Billions and millions of people in the world, but I ended up with you. How lucky am I?" He grinned, reminding me of how everything started. That smile, that damn smile.

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