|Uzui x reader| Wisteria House

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Requested by: Honomushi-san

I surprised myself with this one, I didn't know I could finish a one-shot this fast O-O
A/n: I guess you could say this is the backstory for the first Uzui x reader oneshot
"Y/n, sweetie!" A voice called as you hang the last blanket. You turned your head to your grandmother who was smiling sweetly like always and standing there patiently. "Yes, obaa-sama?" You asked, moving the stray hairs off your face and picking up the baskets.

"Please ready a room for one person and call the physician. We have a guest coming by." She asked, giving you a wide smile. She was always a nice person to everyone, and you admired her for that. Even though hardships came into her life, she never really blamed it on anyone.

"Got it!" You ran inside the mansion, nearly slipping on the newly polished floors. Your grandmother watched you rush inside, chuckling lightly. You were an energetic young lady and had a temper like your mother, who gets angry all the time. You nag sometimes but your were actually obedient and proudly wears the Wisteria Family crest on the back of your kimono, taking care of the demon slayers who once saved your ancestors from man eating demons.

By night fall, you already finished the room the guest was staying in. When you arrived to your room, you observed yourself from the mirror. Was I always this tired looking? You asked your self, pulling the hairpin and lets you hair flow down to your shoulders.

You cannot possibly greet the guest with such a pitiful look, so you fixed your hair and changed your sweaty kimono into a pastel purple one with wisteria flowers on the lower part of the skirt. With one last smile to the mirror, you went out and stood outside the gates with your grandmother.

She sent you a look and smiled, later then turning in front for the upcoming guest. You knew this guest was a demon slayer, from afar his physique was clear that he was strong. Your eyebrows shot up a split second in amusement before switching your expression back to a small smile.

"Welcome to the Wisteria Family House. We hope you enjoy your stay, sir" the both of you greeted the man in unison bowing lowly in respect. When you looked up you expected him to at least bow back but what surprised you was the smug look on his face. A typical egoistic man, I see. You thought to yourself.

"Yes, yes. Well, prepare me a flamboyant hot bath, ladies. The God of festivities is quite in need of flamboyance after the missions." He waved his hands and walked pass you like he owned the place. Your vein almost popped out of your forehead in annoyance and almost charged at the arrogant man, but your oh-so-kind grandmother held you back. She only shook her head and left you by the entrance, fuming in irritation. 

Sighing, you entered and tried to be patient with the man. You prepared a comfortable kimono for him, placing the folded clothing on his futon. You were about to leave his room until the door opened, revealing his amazingly built body with only a towel covering his private area. Your ears burned, raking your eyes over his torso. When you raised your eyes, you met the sly smirk on his lips. 

"Like what you see, miss Wisteria?" he taunted, raising his eyebrows and flexed his muscles to give you a show. 

The once amazed expression of yours suddenly changed to an irritated look. "Nope. You can put those guns away now, demon slayer-san. We don't allow guns here, only swords." You scoffed, before leaving by the door, leaving an amused silver haired.

He couldn't help but be interested in you. You had piqued his curiosity with your hot-blooded attitude and annoyed look. The God of festivities liked a good challenge after all. The night was peace and quiet with only the sounds of the wind and the crickets chirping were heard. Except it wasn't quite peaceful for you as you washed the dishes in the kitchen. 

"Can you leave me alone?" You said once again for the third time to the irksome demon slayer who pulled a chair and sat down behind you. He rested his chin on his palm which was supported by his elbow on the back of the chair. A mischievous smile dancing on his lips. 

"I haven't introduced myself yet. The name's Uzui Tengen, the most flamboyant of all, God of festivities. It's such in your pleasure to meet me." he introduced confidently, adding an obnoxious laughter afterwards. 

"Yeah, I don't care mister, " You paused on washing the dishes at turned to him who only winked. "Don't you have anything better to do? like, I don't know. Rest?" 

"Hm, i'm enjoying your company a lot more. So if you will? I was enjoying the view." he answered, gesturing you to continue. You turned but paused your movements the moment the last words he said sunk in your mind. Red flushed your cheeks and ears as you picked up the bubbly sponge and throw it at the man. 

"You pervert!" 

Unfortunately, he caught the sponge before it hit his face and was only amused more of your reaction. Before you could even throw another object towards the man, he was right in front of you, pushing your back against the sink and placing his arms on the counter. He trapped you with his arms as he leaned in closer. You felt your breath hitch and no words seems to come out in protest. 

"You want to try that again, darling?" he whispered in your air, his hot breath blowing on your heating ears. 

You stood there frozen and dumbfounded, your knees feeling like jello all of a sudden. The painful seconds finally ended when you heard your grandmother call for you. Gathering all your strength, you pushed him away and rushed out there as if there was a fire. Your heart was beating so fast and your knees were weak that any longer you may collapse on the ground. That night, you couldn't sleep a wink. The lingering image of him so close to you kept playing in repeat in your mind. A string of curses left your lips as you forced yourself to sleep by squeezing your eyes shut. 

Morning came and you can finally breath out in relief thinking its time for him to leave the inn. That joy didn't last long as you eavesdropped while the physician talked to your grandmother in a hushed tone. 

"He needed to be at rest until two to three days." That was the only thing you could make out from listening. 

You stared agape in the distance for what you heard. "So i'll have to stay with this man for days?" you muttered to yourself. 

Resisting the urge to run away, you nodded to the orders of your grandmother as she gave you the tray where Uzui's breakfast and tea was prepared. You sucked in a breath before calling out to him. "Uzui-san? It's time for breakfast." you called while staring at the white paper doors and waited for him to open. You shifted your weight to another foot in nervousness, after last night, all you could think of was his smirk and breathtaking fuchsia colored eyes. The door then opened, making you look up to meet the tall man's eyes. 

As always, he had an wide grin in his lips. "Good morning, Y/n!" he greeted as he stepped away to let you enter his room. 

"How did you know my name?" you asked in wonder as you placed down on the short mahogany table in the wide room. 

"Grandmother Wisteria told me." he responded and close the door. 

You could only hum in response, setting the table for him while ignoring the piercing stare he gave. Your heart was still pounding nervously in your chest despite the blank face you wore. Before you could turn back and leave, his hands reached out to your and clasped it on your wrist, suddenly stopping you from moving.

"About last night, my apologies. I was out of line." he apologized in a low tone, shocking you. This wasn't like the man you met last night who was boastful and arrogant. He was suddenly silent and apologized. 

A chuckle left your lips causing him to stare at you. "It's okay," you pulled your wrist away. "Don't do it again." you warned.

Instead of backing away he stepped a little too close for comfort and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "What if I do it again?" he teased, in a suggestive tone. 

You scoffed and playfully pushed him away. "Your food's getting cold. I'll see you around then, Uzui-san." With a smile on your face, you left the room in good note, suddenly tolerating him a bit more thinking he could be considerate sometimes. In the room, he stood there dumbfounded and taken back by the sweet smile you sent. Suddenly feeling strange and bewildered to the emotion he can't explain.

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