|Sanemi x sister!reader x Genya| Second Chance

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Requested by: CaptainMikaela
Warning: Swearing
Nobody knows you are one of the surviving Shinazugawa siblings, it's just you and Sanemi who knows about it. You didn't really have the intention to reveal it to them because it feels like it that wasn't important.

You wrote the last words into your letter and sent it out via crow. Those were for your brother who separated from you and Sanemi by choice. He was mad that you defended your eldest instead of him and accused both of you as murderers.

Of course at the moment you were extremely hurt, but it slowly faded and turned into longing for him. He was still your little brother no matter what he says.

You didn't have any clue where he was, not until you found lots of unopened letters in Sanemi's drawers while you were cleaning last week and you've been reading them. They were letters from Genya, who you haven't seen for years now.

In the letter, he apologized many times to both of you and made you cry yourself to sleep. A few days ago you decided to write him a letter, answering his question in the letter.

You snapped out of our thoughts when you heard the front door open and then closed. You went to the living room, finding your older brother cussing and stomping his foot as he walked. You grabbed the first aid kit and called him "nii-san, sit down so I can treat your wounds" he didn't argue and sat down at the mat, his face scrunching in annoyance.

You started treat his wounds as you listen to him ramble about how Giyuu annoyed him by being a douchebag, which made you doubt because to be honest he is a nice guy, not good with his words though. You laughed at his annoyed face, earning a scowl from him.

"Nii-san, do you miss Genya?.." you asked, wrapping the last layer of bandage on his arm. You avoided his eyes, trying not to cry. He stayed silent, his head hung low and his hair covering his eyes, "I don't know who he is.." he answered, gritting his teeth and walked away. He went to his room, leaving you drowned in your thoughts again.

The next morning, Sanemi left early like always to train the other demon slayers, as requested by Ubuyashiki. In the meantime, you, who is working under the Insect Pillar, have to go residence to residence to treat those wounded from training.

While you treated their wounds, you kept getting flirted at or geting compliments randomly, which made you uncomfortable after a while. "Boys~ can't you see y/n, here is getting uncomfortable?" You heard an angelic voice calling out. Though it sounded angelic, you felt like there was a slight bit of sinister feeling to it.

You turned your head to the voice and found Shinobu smiling like always, though you can clearly see her eyebrows twitching in annoyance and a vein popping from her forehead.

The guys went silent and apologized, gathering up their stuff before they left. "Also, your boyfriend's looking for you" she informed, making you confused as to what the Hashira is saying.

Boyfriend? If your brother heard of this he would probably kill the guy. You let out a laugh "I don't have a boyfriend, Shinobu-sama." You sent her a friendly smile which she returned with one of her eyebrows raising.

"You and Shinazugawa-san aren't dating?" She asked, tilting her head to the side with an interested look in her face. "Nope"

She laughed, covering her mouth in slight embarrassment. "My apologies, y/n-chan" you waved it off and made way to Sanemi, you always eat together for lunch and dinner back home. The trainers probably needs some treatment too, knowing your brother he might be a little too rough with them.

When you arrived there, you found the demon slayers laying outside the training ground, all breathing heavily and sweating.

You we're about to go up to them but something from inside busted out of the walls, shocking everyone outside. Before the smoke of dust cleared out, you heard shouts from the ones who busted out the walls. "Please calm down, Shinazugawa-san!" Someone shouted, making everyone outside panic and be wary.

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