|Sanemi x reader| good friend

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Requested by: Kayley666 and Drakodisa
Sanemi has been sulking and ignoring everyone ever since the fight with Muzan. Though, you can't blame him. The guy just lost his brother, his only living relative. You wanted to go up to him and listen to everything he has to say, hoping it would make him feel better.

But he keeps pushing everyone away, even you, his closest friend since he joined the demon slayer corps. You felt worried for him so you decided to give him some space, yet after many weeks already, he haven't talked to anyone but his brother's grave at the cemetery for fallen demon slayers.

You checked on everyone in the butterfly estate, Kanao now owned the place along with the four other girls, Tanjirou and the others are still recovering as the other Hashiras grieved for their former Hashiras.

It was clear on their face that they were devastated and some went to their separate ways. Giyuu lived on his own as always, Obanai and Kanroji finally got together, Nezuko became human, and you.... you just do nothing but worry for your friend who was suffering.

You have given him enough time, he keeps pushing you away, but this time, you decided to confront him. You marched your way to him house, not waiting for his permission to enter like usual.

"Sanemi!" You exclaimed, looking around for him. He wasn't in his room and in his living room. You ran to the garden and found no Sanemi. You suddenly got worried for him, knowing him, he might be doing something stupid right now.

You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes, assuming for the worst. What if he- you shook your head. He isn't that stupid, right?

You looked all around the house but found no Sanemi making you panic more, starting to hyperventilate. You tried to remember some places where he might be at the same time trying to calm ypurself down.

The place you usually eat? No, that would be dumb. The place when he told me all about his family, that one tree on top of a hill. You didn't waste anytime, and ran to the place, it was only 10 minutes away.

You felt yourself get tired and slowed down but you kept on running. You have to get there and talk to him. When you reached the hill, it was almost sundown. As you reached the tree, you saw his figure leaning and was staring off into the distance.

"Sanemi.." you stopped running to catch your breath and made your way to him. He didn't turn his head but you saw him flinch in hearing our voice. You missed him. Weeks of not seeing each other as the guilt slowly eats you away. You sat down next to him and stare off into the distance.

"Hey, how are you?" That was stupid thing to ask but it wouldn't hurt to try. He stayed silent making the aura around you awkward and sad. "Please talk to me, Sanemi. It's been weeks, I... I missed you" you whispered the last part.

After years of being friends, of course you couldn't help but fall for him. He treated you like an equal, not a helpless girl who can't protect herself. He never sugarcoated the words to you which makes him so real of a person, making you appreciate him more than anyone you've met before. You wanted to confess your feelings to him but, like any other person, you were afraid in losing the friendship you have. You kept all of it yourself for almost 3 years now.

"There's nothing to talk about, y/n. What's gone is gone" he tried to mask the sadness in his voice. He stood up and started to walk away as you try to catch up to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his back. "Please don't push me away, Sanemi..." you cried.

You both stood there in silence waiting for one to break it. His hand drifted from his side to your hands on his waist. "T-that stupid.. if only he didn't join the demon corps this wouldn't have happened..." he slightly squeezed your hands as he cursed to himself in choked sobs.

You were stunned for a second. This is it, he is finally opening up to you. His knees gave up under him, causing him to sit down while still clutching your arms around his shoulders. You knelt behind him and let him lean unto you, as he sobs uncontrollably.

You stayed by him until the sun disappeared and the moon started to shine accompanied by billions of stars. Sanemi, stared at nothing in the horizon as you hold his hand and sat beside him. You don't know how to comfort anyone, you were nevr good with people. You were shy, then Sanemi came busting into your heart and mind, that you felt yourself change because of him and was able to express your more with him by your side.

"It's time to move on, Sanemi. Move on and live with me normally like usual." You suggested, making you anxious for his response. "And what forget that it didn't even happen?!" He exclaimed, pulling his hands away from you, as you flinch at his sudden outburst.

"That's not what I mean, Sanemi. You don't have to forget about him. He will always be in your heart, you don't have any choice but to continue on living. You cannot waste your life that your brother fought to protect, even if it means losing his.." you were quite taken back from earlier but you remained calm, for him. His anger slowly dispersed, as his shoulders losses its tension.

You leaned closer to him, reaching his face and cupping his cheek while sending him a reassuring smile "I'm here, Sanemi. That's all you need to know" he leaned in to the touch, his hands touched yours in comfort.

Sanemi isn't all that aggressive like what people see everyday, he was only afraid of getting close to someone knowing they might eventually leave him, but you were quite hard headed. You wanted to be by his side at any cost.

You know he's a softy in the inside, you just have to stay with him a little longer as he slowly warms up to you.

"Thank you for being here with me, y/n. You're a good friend"


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