|Douma x reader| Gift To You

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Requested by: EvtheMischievous and Hachihoe
SPOILER WARNING! There are some scenes in the manga, so if you haven't read the manga yet. I advise you not to read this oneshot but if you don't mind, go on.
Love is confusing, isn't it? Sometimes it sends jitters and fluttering in your stomach, sometimes it can be painful and agonizing. It can drive a newbie of love like you, crazy. Douma has this unstoppable force that keeps you from fleeing his temple, whether it by love or by admiration.

You stared at the blood stained wooden boards, its smell of rusted iron didn't go unnoticed. Gripping tightly on the handle of the pail, you tried to ignore your shivering hand and knelt on the red stained floor boards of the Paradise's temple. Your knees now stained, forming a patch of red liquid on your newly sewn kimono that you wore supposedly to impress the man.

Dampening the cloth with the water on the pail, you scrubbed the floors endlessly, every weekends was always this way. After his cold hard murders, he would simply call you from your room and order you to clean the floors. His voice called out to you like a siren luring you into the dark sea.

Beads of sweat rolled down from your temple to your neck, no intention of stopping until the floors are wiped clean. You could've just ignore his orders but you couldn't disobey him like that. Your heart wouldn't let you.

Hours of wiping you finally left the spot clean and as if on cue the man entered the large and well lit room. He sat on his throne and observed you like a predator. You wanted to shift uncomfortablely under his stares but that would make him upset. You bit you shivering lip as if commanding it to stop.

Standing up, you picked up the pail and the cloth then proceeding to walk out of the room but not before bowing and acknowledging his presence.

After you exited the room and returned the cleaning materials, you walked back in the large room. The room was lit by the large chandelier in the middle of the rooms ceiling and by the small lights on the pillars of the room. It was like his throne room, where he would listen to the prayers of his worshippers and its also where he would murder and eat his innocent victims.

But you could care less for them. As long as he acknowledged your existence, you were in paradise. You were only 14 when he invited you under his roof, after praying and pleading for him to put you out of your misery. He took interest of you, knowing well that you would easily be wrapped around his slender fingers.

When you saw the bodies of the worshippers, you were terrified, like any other woman would. But you were put under his casted spell, binding you to him. You were too starstrucked to leave and flee away from him. He spoke to you with his silver tongue and convinced you to stay by his side.

You bowed in front of him and stayed silent. He always stared at you with a bemused smile on his lips, while he raked his rainbow colored eyes over your figure. You've grown into quite a woman, he admitted. He didn't notice your growth, since he was a bit busy with the constant meetings with Master.

His eyes caught sight of the strands of hair on you face and a few was misplaced from the bun that was held in place by a hair pin. "Turn around, y/n" he ordered, breaking the silence within the room. You didn't hesitate to follow the order, making his smile widen with amusement.

You were pulled by the elbow and was seated between his legs, as you held a sharp gasp. The throne had a lot of space for both of you, but he still insisted you stay close to him. The bun loosened as Douma pulled the hair pin, letting your mid length hair flow down you back.

A cold shiver ran down your spine as he combed your hair in an awfully slow manner. "I have a gift for you, y/n. I got it from a pretty lady I recently met" your breath hitched from the hot breath that hit your ears making your heart skip a beat, whether or not its a good thing, you couldn't help but wonder.

He reached out something from behind and gave it to you in front. You held you palms open and accepted his so called gift, ignoring the tightening of your heart when you heard it came from a pretty lady he met and observed the object.

It was a beautiful butterfly hair piece, covered in pretty bright colored of pink and green, it certainly was fitting for the pretty lady who owned it. Your fingers wiped the small splatter of dried blood on the butterfly's wings and smiled half heartedly. "Thank you, Douma-sama" you whispered, earning a low chuckle from the man behind her.

"Your welcome, dear. I thought it would look prettier on a much more beautiful lady than its owner" you were taken back by his compliments, that you felt the heat rise up from your neck to your cheeks. He took the object from your hands and clipped your hair in place with the pretty butterfly hairpiece.

He pushed you softly so you could face him. You felt a sudden feeling of bashfulness overwhelm you, making you lower your head. He let out another chuckle and lifted your chin with his finger. "You look beautiful, darling" he complimented. During this very interaction with him, your heart had been going haywire and your stomach felt like it was tumbling around. The warm fuzzing feeling of comfort was getting hard to ignore every second passing by.

"I have another gift for you, y/n. But its your choice whether or not you're going to accept this gift" he proposed, your eyebrows shot up in surprise and just couldn't help but ask him.

"Why are you suddenly showering me with gifts Douma-sama? Why this particular day?" You almost bit your tongue in instant regret, you've learned not to question his actions but from the look of it, he doesn't seem to be angry about the question. He was amused more than ever.

"It's the same date that you've arrived in my temple, praying for your misery to end. Don't you remember, y/n?" He tilted his head in question, a smile still present on his face. Of course you remembered. And now that you gave a thought about it, every July 14 he would give you random presents such as hair pins and kimonos.

Your heart suddenly missed a beat, your eyes widened in surprise. He always remembered the date. For 4 years he remembered the day you came by his temple and plead him eternal sleep. Your eyes suddenly became blurry, just now noticing the tears building up on her eyes. You wiped your tears swiftly with your sleeves and faced him.

"Thank you for the gifts, Douma-sama"

"Okay, about the second gift. Will you stay by my side for a lifetime as a demon?" He asked, staring deep into your eyes. You felt as if you were getting lost in them. You thought about it for a minute. You and him would continue to be together and live in this divine temple of his. How amazing would that be.

"Yes, Douma-sama. I accept your gift whole heartedly" you gave him a determined look, not missing his smile growing. He suddenly bites his lower lip, his sharp teeth digging on his flesh. You eyes widened in concern but you didn't interrupt. The wound draw blood, dark maroon color oozing out of his flesh.

He then walked up to you and stared deeply in your eyes, as if this day couldn't get more surprising, he leaned in and captured your lips. Your breath became uncontrolled as the blood on his lips transfered directly to your throat and mouth.

The last thing you remembered that day was your conciousness slipping away as the pain became unbearable. Though you passed out, your body was strong enough to handle the new cells entering your body.

Making you a demon, destined to stay by Douma's side for better or for worse. Together forever.

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